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I got off the motorcycle feeling a lot more nauseous than I had yesterday. My breakfast was stirring in my stomach and my mouth was salivating and I dreaded the feeling that overcame me.

"Did you keep your eyes closed again Matthew?" Gilbert ran over to my side after having taken his helmet off.

I clutched my stomach groaning. I nodded bringing my hand up to my mouth. I gagged almost throwing up.

"Oi! Oi! Breathe! Breathe!" he said panicked, guiding me towards a trash can. I couldn't hold it back and started throwing up.

I felt him rubbing soothing circles on my back while his other hand held my hair out of my face. Once I was done, I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. I then realized that I was shaking uncontrollably.

"Ah geez birdie! C'me here!" Gilbert said his strong arms holding me to his body in a hug.

"I-I-" I tried to apologize but my voice was trembling too much.

"Shh. It's ok." He said stroking my hair.

He let go of me and grabbed my hand helping me up the steps that led to the school entrance. I looked at my cell phone and saw it was 7:42 am. I texted Oliver telling him I was there. I got a text back almost right away.

'Ok me too!'

My foot got caught on a step and I tripped. Thankfully Gilbert stopped me from falling.

"I'm helping you but make an effort at least. Stop texting!" he exclaimed as we continued walking up the steps. I mumbled an apology that he did not hear.

"Oh there you are!" Oliver exclaimed once we reached the top .

"Here!" he said putting my glasses on for me.

"Thanks so much!" I said smiling at him. It was the first time I could properly see his face. I noticed he had pink specs in his neon blue eyes, he also had a few freckles.

I then realized Gilbert was still holding my hand.

"Thanks for your help Gil!" I said smiling at him. He looked at me as though he was caught in a trance.

"Um Gil?" I asked feeling awkward.

"Yes?" he responded

"You can let go of my hand now." I said. I saw his cheeks dust up with pink before he let go of my hand quickly.

"Well...uh I got to go." he said rubbing the back of his neck before rushing inside the school.

uh? That was weird...I stared at the direction he went. Was he in a hurry or something?


I looked up to meet Oliver's gaze. I shivered but not from the cold.

"Why was he holding your hand?"

"Oh um well. I can't really walk properly without my glasses so he helped me." Oliver's intense stare was scaring me until he smiled and he started caressing my hair.

"Darling, you know you can ask me for help anytime." he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand staring at me weirdly. He was way too affectionate to my liking.

"I'm cold can we go inside?" I asked

"Of course!" he said

Once we were inside the school he told me that we should meet here after classes. I nodded and we parted ways. I headed directly to my locker. I felt the urge to text Vanya but remembered that Gilbert had deleted my app. I had yet to have the opportunity to express to him how that made me feel.

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