In the Light you cannot see

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Matthew stared in shock at the larger male once he had finished his plate and he gulped.
"I-I ...I do not understand" he said sweetly and innocently
Vanya sighed and rolled his eyes while looking up at the sky.

"Gods give me strength..." he begged before looking back at Matthew
Clasping both his hands together tightly on the table.
They were nearly twice Matthew's size and he looked intensely desperate as he looked into Matthew's eyes.

He gently and carefully took Matthew's small hand in his and squeezed it gently.

Matthew blinked a few times, bewildered at how gentle this giant could be.

"You need to understand.." the Russian whispered lowly in a deep husky voice.

He looked around a few times and bit his lip gently.

"Just listen...when they ask you if you rather be sold whole or in parts. Say whole...I will take care of the rest..." he said getting up and leaving Matthew there to think and try to put together this puzzle of a mystery.

POV change to Matthew
I was now sweating intensely and trying to grip onto something.

Anything really that would be soft and gentle and that I could cuddle.

I saw the tall man walk off into an unknown room.
Once he was gone I took the opportunity to look around.

The ground was made out of rusted metal with dark stains everywhere.
I could hear an engine room and what I thought were screams

Or was it moans, here and there.

There was no way, no way in hell.

I... I couldn't actually believe this was happening to me.

I need help! I needed help.
I started to breathing in and out quickly and bitting my lip.

Never again... I will not panicking ever again. That is enough. I have had enough.

That is when, I snapped.

POV change
The tall Russian walked into the main office and looked at the Chinese Man, or rather would it be women. He had no clue sometimes with how small he was and how he would dress.

Yao turned in his chair to look at Ivan while twirling a strand of hair between his fingers.

"So it is done? What will the boy choose. I understand you have a great liking towards him. So please tell me Mr. Psychologist, what will it be?" He asked while smirking slightly in the darkness

Both Ivan and Yao had been friends for decades, in a sense they had way too much in common to get along.

They even dated once, but that ended up having a fiery end.

"I can not allow the boy to leave unless he is sold at an auction Ivan, you know that very well." Yao said as he stood up with a small smirk

"Yes I do understand, just. Make sure I win or there will be dire consequences." Ivan said with a huge frown on his face.

He had never felt so serious about something before.

POV change

Matthew sighed as he waited patiently, he had no idea what would happen next and it terrified him to no end.

Suddenly two Asian men, they were tall and had tattoos all over, walked in and picked up the boy from under his arms, they were shoving him around like he was a potato sack.

He did not like that one bit, oh not at all. It actually scared him and he had to hold back that fear.

To remember a quote he read online.
There is no courage if there is no fear

He shook his head a bit and was led through what seemed to be an old abandoned maintenance shaft in the basement of an appartement building.

He was then led to a small room with what appeared to be two doors.

Behind them was a man with a bored expression on his face.

Once he saw Matthew he smirked and waved off both the boys.

They walked out and left Matthew alone there.

"So, you are the new fetching...definitely would be great to sell you in parts..." he said looking evil as he smirked wickedly

Matthew though about asking him what he meant. He didn't know how to react or act. It was all quite exhausting for him at this point.

But then he remembered what Vanya had told him.

"I want to be sold whole." He said straight forwardly.

The man raised his eyebrows and looked at the door before whistling.

"Take him to the preparation Chamber." He said before waiving him off.

Matthew walked out of the room, the two men not touching him anymore.
He didn't understand what was going on at all.

He felt beads of sweat roll down from his eye brows and he started to inhale and exhale with determination in order to feel better.

One of the men opened the door and he was pushed into a chamber where another few people were.

There was a girl, couldn't be more than 13. A tall lanky guy that also looked young. He had red hair and looked at Matthew with a respectful nod.
The girl was wearing the older man's clothes so she was shaking in a corner of the room.
"What's the matter?" Matthew asked as he looked around the brightly colored room.

"She was raped again!!!" The taller red head said looking mighty angry and about to punch a wall

"It's's okay Allistor.." the small red head said as she stood up

"I will survive this." She said sounding so determined that Matthew's heart nearly split in half.

"How can you both be so strong?" Matthew asked while trembling.

"You have to be strong too..." the tall red head told the small Canadian with a thick Scottish accent.

"I think I get the p-picture..." Matthew said softly while gulping a bit.

"No no no!" Allistor said as he walked up to Matthew and held both his shoulders

"You cannot show any fear, if you do they will use you more. Trust me. Make them learn to respect you. If you are lucky enough, you should already have a bidder. "

"Don't you guys have anything at all?" They both looked at each other and sighed

"We have been working for these people for years. This is our punishment for not coming up with our usual amount of people..." he said while looking down

"She is...she's my little sister you know...this...this is so hard to watch."

Matthew looked at both of them and felt something break even further inside him.

"Once I get out... I will"

"N-no no no no no" Allistor hushed the blonde by putting his hand against his mouth

"You mustn't be that way my sweet..." he said as he kissed his forehead before going back to his little sister, only wearing black boxers.
They both huddled up together in a corner.

And Matthew decided to join them.
He closed his eyes.
And ...fell asleep.
Hey everyone
Hope you liked it and yes
I know it is dark

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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