This is not a threat

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Matthew looked around in confusion still not understanding why this random man suddenly grabbed him out of nowhere and threw him into his car. As the lights flashed by him like streaks of flames blowing in the wind, his frozen state of terror started to thaw out.

After what he had just experienced he hoped this was for the best rather than for the worst. But his ever anxious mind could not cope with the negative implications of this turn of events.

"No! No! Stop the car...! Let me out!" he exclaimed as loud as he could, he had tears welling up in his eyes, he felt the impending doom that he might be killed soon.

"There is no problem, I will do the dropping off at a friend of yours houses, that is ok ?" the unknown man said with a thick slavic like accent of sorts.

"Who is it? Who asked this? Who are you? Why am I here?" Matthew blurted out the questions without a second thought. There was no way he was staying in this car if he had none of these questions answered.

"A friend you made on the chat rooms da? A man called you remember......?" the deep husky voice asked back sounding quite darker towards the end of the sentence

"Oh yes.... but wait a do you know all of this..?"


The man suddenly and abruptly hit the breaks making Matthew slam himself into the seat in front of him.

The young teen felt dazed and confused as the older and stronger man got out of his front seat and then, one car door slam later and Matthew was being carried out of the car.

A homeless person holding a bottle of hard liquor looked up at them questioningly.

"What are you doing with this young lookie loo...?" The homeless chinese man asked.

"It is a delivery for the boss..." Matthew heard before a different tongue was exchanged between them and everything faded to black to the sound of angry sounding chinese.

-time skip-
When I woke up all I could see was what seemed to be the ceiling being way too close to my face. There were glowing stars on it, the only light in my darkness. I heard the door open and instinctively reached around the small bunk bed, my hands frantically searching for my stuffed polar bear.

He wasn't there.
I heard two people it seemed, lowly whispering things.
"Da I will wake him up Yao...but he need to sleep now..." I heard a familiar voice say

"I do not care. We have business to run." The man answered back in a more high pitched voice.

The light was then turned on and I faked that I was sleeping.

"Matvei....sunflower...wake up.." I heard the low husky voice call out softly

I opened my eyes and looked to the side.
I saw a man with piercing violet eyes. He was so tall that I could still see them clearly from the top bunk. He had an elegant and chiseled face that made me envious.
"Hello...I know you are confused...we have made a meal for you.." he said in a soft reassuring tone.
I slowly sat up and nodded as my stomach growled loudly. I then winced as my broken rib throbbed in pain.
The man let out a low chuckle and took out a key which made him able to unlock something on the side of the bed.
That's when I noticed in terror. The bars of the bed went all the way up to the ceiling.
Something clicked loudly which made me tense.
Without an ounce of an effort the man had lowered the heavy bars. His big hands reached out for me and scooped me up like I weighed nothing.
"Oww...." I whined softly as my rib hurt even more.
"Sorry Matvei.... your brother was not delicate with you..." he said carrying me to a corridor and then too a room with many tables but no windows. No one was there.
The man made me sit down in a chair and then walked off somewhere.
I looked down at my hands and trembled. I felt dizzy and hungry.

I smelt it before I saw it. My mouth watering like crazy before the large hand even set the plate of steak, vegetables and potatoes in front of me.
I wanted to eat it but I had no cutlery.
The man sat in front of me holding a sharp looking knife and a fork.

I looked at the steaming hot meal then his hands and then up at his eyes.
"You need this to eat yes?" He asked as he gently put his large finger on the tip of the sharp knife
"Y-yes...please.." I said sounding more desperate than I meant to

"You won't do any funny business right?" He asked
It took me a moment to understand. I knew I had been kidnapped. But I really did not care.
I wanted to eat.
"No funny business sir" I said with conviction

"Here" He said giving the ustensiles to me.
I quickly started to cut the steak and took huge mouthfuls of potato's and vegetables as well.

"I am not sir... Matvei....I am Vanya.." I heard him say but I paid him no mind until my plate had been cleared to the last morsel.

I looked up at him
"Thank you ...Vanya..why am I here...?" I asked sounding scared

"I saved you from your brother, and now am saving you again...from my boss..." he said while looking thoughtful

"I thought you said you are a psychologist..." I said staring at him

"I technically am...da....." he said remaining silent after that.

"Why am I here? " I asked softly

The man looked into my eyes and I felt a shiver go down my spine.
"You will be my assistant dah? Help me sell drugs and I will offer protection and love!" He said smiling brightly and looking a little crazed

"I'm sorry but...I-I would rather not..." I tried to answer as politely as possible

His eyes seemed to darken, like when Alfred's did, but there was something much more threatening about this gaze.

Vanya then went back to smiling.
"I do not like to threaten beaten animals Matvei..." he said propping his elbows up on the table and holding his hands together.

"But...." Vanya continued suddenly grabbing my arm as I was about to reach for the sharp knife. I gulped and froze.

He still didn't let go of my arm.

"It's not a see, either you are mine, or you are everyone's...and you have no more friends...just hungry men...less gentle than me..." Vanya said lowly in a menacing tone.

My eyes widened as he let go of my arm taking my tray of food away and leaving the room again.

Hope you guys liked the update!
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