(7) Is he drunk?

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Ah! Pleasant morning.The birds chirping,the grass looks lovely.Wait! Those are not grass,it's my green potted plants.Hey!I woke up today without a nightmare!I just can't believe it.It has been troubling me since when he left me.It had gotten worse over these six months but today,I felt like a free bird.When I was about to wake and do my break dance,I felt strong arms.I turned to see a beautiful wait,a man can't be beautiful,he can be handsome.So yes he was handsome.Well his beard was not shaven,it still make him look hot.Oh! I could see his perfectly gym type body!Wait.When did I start checking out my....husband?
Realisation hit on me.Wait!Did we just did sleep together? I think we did.I must have slept watching the movie when he must have come.I was a little shocked.I saw his face.How calm and composed he look.I was thinking of all things when suddenly he hugged me tight and continued to sleep when I was trying to get up.
Finally,I said,"Raj!"
He- What?in his sleepy tone.
I-I have to go.
He-No!Sleep here with me.
Partially shocked,I asked,"Are you drunk?". He replied no.I gently released my hands from him and tried to sneak out which I did successfully.I decided to get ready pretty quick.Washed my hair,wore a simple kurti and legging.I was about to make a coffee.
But suddenly I heard the door bell.Who could be here this morning?
I guess that made Raj too get up.I opened the door.There was a pretty elder lady which looked sixty.Her face reflected the calm,motherly love.Look!I told you my interaction with various people have led me for judging people. I touched her feet.She did not allow me and fold hands.
Raj came up and touched her feet and said,"Welcome Amma!how is your health?Oh yes!Sanjana meet Amma.She works in our house but is like my Mom."
I greeted her.While she straight went off to kitchen,Raj got a call.I and Amma soon became like buddies.She liked to talk and I giggled there like a idiot.I felt like a small girl.She told me how her health got a little worse and Raj gave her seven months holiday by taking care of all expenses.She was a proud women so she did not accept it but had to accept the holiday as she has not gone to her village for seventeen years.
I was smiling at her talks when I heard Raj calling me.Like seriously,was he ok? Did he hit his head yesterday?He is informing me and going.In these six months,we have no contact except family function and today suddenly?Well,I am not complaining,anyway I like it this way.He said,"Get ready tonight in your most gorgeous outfit,and I say western outfit as we are having a meeting with our Boss."He was walking forward.Not once he asked,if I was free or is it ok,or if I am comfortable?I was frowning when he stepped back and said,"Oh I forgot!Are you okay with the plan?I mean are you comfortable in western outfit?"I wanted to faint on the moment or wanted to dance like a fool.Is it this dream?But I nodded anyway.
But suddenly felt urge to puke,I went to washroom and Raj rushed behind me.And soon I fainted.Last I saw Raj rushing and Amma looking worried.

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