(24) Meeting my ex again

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Above is the picture of Nikhil.Aditya roy Kapoor as Nikhil.


Well!i love strawberry milkshake!
Khushi and me sat and selected our dress while I drank shake and she drank green tea.But milkshake tastes something bad.Oh well,still I love strawberry.
Khushi and me were selecting dresses for her hen party.Clubbing is the fun part according to her.
Message from Nikhil.
I click on it and see it.
Thanks for your help. Believe me you are setting my life up with a yes ;)
-Nikhil :)
I inwardly groaned.Why did I even accept it?What if it affects Raj?
Suddenly Khushi sprang up and said,"God Grace!I have got our dresses."
I looked at it.Though it shouted fun still I wasn't sure.Before I could say,Khushi said,"Please!" And made her puppy eyes.I laughed and said ok.

But then came Raj dressed in a suit,with his tie loose.Looks like someone is dead tired!I looked at my watch,its just 3 pm.Why did he come so soon?Oh,is he planning to gate crash our hen party?

Raj just then replied,"Sweetheart,I am not here to gatecrash your party,you have a appointment with Dr Sanjeeda.Get dressed,I am waiting."

I nodded and changed into a casual dress.As I sat in car,I saw how tired was he.

I-Umm,Raj you look very tired.

R-Yes,actually managing arrangement for Rahul's wedding and with that a deal to crack,it is a lot of pressure.

I looked at him sympathy.Even I was helping Khushi out on her wedding.But my job...wait did I even have a job?

I-Raj,did I have a ...

Raj picks out a letter,I read it.

Raj-Mr Andrew has sent you the letter.He is like a father figure to you,you worked in his firm,to be precise interior designer,and made it to top 5.Rest is answered in the letter.

Dear Sanju,

I am sorry I am not able to meet you,my grand old brother is ill.Actually almost on his deathbed according to drs.But still I am helding on to all hopes for his survival.

I talked with Raj,I found out about your amnesia.Well,I am leaving the firm to you till I come.I have sent some books to Raj which will help you actually to do things professionally well.Also,I hope you will remember me soon.

Well,if you have forgotten about me,I will remind you small things like how you replaced my ice cream with sugar free,how you helped Rishi to combat his depression.Well its not enough though.Anyways,recover soon my daughter.

All my blessings to you and Raj.Also some of the blessings to Khushi and his to be husband.I hope she would like her gift.


Andrew Uncle.

I was in tears.Raj consoled me.

"Hospital has come"

The driver announced and we entered the hospital.

We waited for the doctor.

"Sanjana Oberoi"

The nurse called out and we entered.

Sanjeeda-Hello dear!How nice to see you both.

We nodded.

She did some test and asked me some questions.Waiting to know about questions?No way,I am not telling you.

Finally Dr Sanjeeda said,"Mr Raj,great to see you both are coping it at well,I am happy about this because most of time the inlaws and husband just get frustrated.I see she feels some kind of trust and happiness in you.So with all my experience and professionalism,I am telling you she is suffering from amnesia but not from long term memory loss.She is actually having Post traumatic Amnesia,as she had head injuries.So she would remember everything if you would try her to remember but remember my words,not forcibly."

We nodded.But suddenly I felt like puking.And soon I fainted.

I soon woke up for tests.

After 2 hours,

Dr Shreya,the gynacologist announced to Raj,"Sorry she is not pregnant.I see she had something in morning which might have cause her to vomit .And fainting is due to wait is there some wedding kind of stuff going on?"Curse the milkshake.

We nodded.

Dr-"That explains why she must have fainted.I feared it might be due to your injuries but no you are all fine."She said seeing some ct scan copies.

Dr-"Oh yes!Sanjeeda told me to tell you to have nuts."Nuts,I hate it.

Dr-"Sanjana,don't go nuts over nuts."We laughed at her sentence.

Dr-"Ok,on a serious note you must have almonds,walnuts,cod liver oil,etc.For Your Memory."

She emphasized on last three words.I nodded.

So as we came out,Raj's phone buzzed out.Must be a message.But he was frowning.Then he looked at me and said,"Sorry sweet heart!I have to go for important work.Will it be ok?I will drop you home first and you and khushi can look what gifts Mr Andrew has sent."

I nodded and he dropped me.But not before saying,"This is second time,you have been denied pregnant,but believe me once you get your memory you are surely going to be one."

I blushed furiously at it and went inside my home with feelings of butterfly in stomach.

Great!Where am I stuck?First all tests for Sanjana then suspision of Dr that she is pregnant and then...
Who would believe I am sitting with my ex,Meeta.The one who despice the most.

She sent out a very dangerous message to me that she she would suicide if I did not come.God knows how she got my number.....oh well I hadn't changed my number since she left me.

She came in her yellow dress but believe me my Sanjana looks more beautiful and hot!

She sat in her seat.Her eyes were bloodshot.
Ok!if she begged to come back to my life,she is ruined.

Meeta-How are you Ra...

I-Cut the crap and tell me why

Meera-Oh do I still affect you?I thought your wife Sanjana...

I-Don't you dare to take her name

Meera-Fine.So how is Uncle and..

I-Just spit it out your purpose.

Meera-You still remain same..


Meera-Can't you just shut up and let me continue my sentence??

She said with an anger,well she is right.

I nodded.

She muttered,"Idiot".I gave her my world famous glare but she returned it with more serious glare.

Ok I am defeated.

Meera-So ya,I have come here for........


20k views and above 800 votes!Wow! *Claps so loudly that receives a flying chappal from my teddy*Ha Ha.Teddy and a slipper,lol.Just kidding.Anyways thank you all for so much support.

And keep reading,voting and commenting.I am sorry to those who I have not been able to reply before but I promise to reply in now further chapters.

And do keep praying for me :) :) !!!

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