Akele hai toh Kya gum hai?
....Bas ek Zara,saath Ho tera,
Tere toh hai hum......How melodious song it is.I thought while listening peacefully to it from Sony mix,the local music channel.
You must be wondering why am I so peaceful when I have just signed divorce papers.
Well,I never signed them.I drank poison before signing it and after signing I died.
Lol!Just kidding.I have this bad habit of laughing at such serious times and cracking silly jokes to Everyone.Well you see,Khushi gave me pencil to sign and I never glanced at what the hell that object was and I signed,later regretting that I signed it.Though I was glad later,it was a pencil.
My anger sometimes is overhead you see.
May be that is the reason,why mom didn't panic otherwise she would have panicked so much,I just can't see her in distress.
And now tuning on song,I am packing for Mumbai. To meet Raj and confront him.
And let me tell you,as I can be kind and selfless in situations,in love matters,this time I am definitely selfish.And I have promised myself,that I will come to Delhi back only for pag phere rasam which has not been fulfilled yet.
Get ready Raj,I am coming.

Entangled in a marriage
RomanceMeet Sanjana Singhania.She is 27 years old,a interior designer in Delhi.She has no boyfriends and she thinks the reason is she is too perfect for anyone or anyways reverse of it i.e.,she might be too imperfect afterall she had a bad past.Her parents...