(31) Relief

16.9K 759 18

Don't forget to check Disguise and Arranged which is now in Indian ways.(sorry for again and again marketing my own book)
And check the song above.

Before we could comprehend the gunshot,the door opened abruptly.
We were scared.
How could it be?
Me and Meeta glanced at each other as if saying last time good bye.
We didn't know who was opening the door.
Finally it opened to reveal ....
How the hell police arrived so soon?
The inspector Mr Sanjay checked on us if we are okay.
Sanjay-Madame are you both alright?
Me-I am but Meeta has some more bruises.
Meeta-Are you kidding?This is just little,you are hurt with some blood on your head.
We were both continously fighting who is hurt when Nikhil came.
And he silenced us by saying,"You both are still fighting over who is hurt?Both are hurt.Okay? I hope the argument is settled."
Nikhil is still here?
I thought he is arrested.
Nikhil answered my and Meeta's question,"I called the police and Aakash is arrested.I guess that Firdaus part made me awake."
He shrugged.
He continued,"I am sorry Sanjana.I have always hurt you by my means.I never intended to but...leave it.I have to thank Khushi for clearing all my doubts.And yeah.Raj is not a murderer.The real one has landed at right place."
I heaved a relived sigh.
Raj is not murderer.I knew it.But who was it?
Nikhil turned towards Meeta and took her hand to talk and his gaze a little softened,"Meeta.You can file a case or whatever against me. I taunted you so that you may hate me.When I met you,I had you know electrifying feeling.I started feeling attracted you.But my revenge motive just got me worsened.I still hold a special place for Firdaus though,where you can't replace it but...."
Meeta completed his sentence," but I could make a special place in your heart,right?"
She smiled.
He asked,"Umm would you mind starting er.."
Wow!Nikhil is nervous.That was rare.
Meeta completed his sentence again,"over again?"
And she nodded.
And they hugged.
Yay!happy ending for them.
Umm but five minutes have passed and the inspector is just awkwardly coughing now like saying I-am-here-dude.
They separated now and I gave them a teasing look.
I am so strange.I am bruised and tired,and here I am giving them a teasing look.
Now where is my prince?
So inspector stated,"I need everyone's statement."
This time in a serious tone.And we in dark room gave it.
As we got out of the room,I was shocked.
We stood inside the same store room of Raj's office.
Me and Meeta frowned.
I-all this time we were in....
Meeta-in Raj's office.
Nikhil glanced at other direction to avoid our gaze.I hit him in the back and Meeta him at his side.
After that,it was decided.
Me,Meeta and Khushi were going to be official besties.
Finally what felt like hours,
We reached hospital where they did dressing and I met Dr Sanjeeda.
D-hey Sanju!
D-what I see is another bandage.Well that's bad?
I-Almost kidnapped girl.
D-That's way bad.Umm but was it like film?chasing car,police or...?
I-Nope.It was boring.
Told you,I am strange and among the list now is Dr Sanjeeda.In official besties.just like us.
D-That's bad though.Anyways,how about your memories?
I-Just say I remember everything but let's keep a secret?
D-Good.I will keep a secret.And your reports are normal.Lucky you.And Meeta is going to need a week to recover.Ok?
I nodded.
Just as I got out.I saw him.
I am afraid.How am I going?
Oh wait!
He comes and hugs me and takes out a knife to kill me.And then I am dead.

Just kidding.Lol!I am sure I scared you.
It was Raj and we both hugged each other.
And as we separated I saw a tired look in his eyes but a tinge of happiness too.
But then a punch landed on him.
The punch was given by......

So I ended the kidnapping scene too easy.
Are you happy about it or want me to edit it and make it like flying cars,etc.?
Why would Naitik hit Raj?Any guesses?
And our book is getting ranks and has reached 60k views and 2k votes.
*claps loudly**gets emotional and cries happily till aliens can hear and sends message to just shut up*
Anyways,comment,read and vote. :)

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