Chapter 3

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So hey, what's up? Okay, so this chapter is going to be a bit different and its going to introduce a new character. So. Yeah.


Katashi's POV:

*He's drunk again, It's time to fight, she must have done something wrong toni*-SLAM! I glared through half open eyes at my phone now laying in pieces on the floor across the room from my bed. If I couldn't find a case that would hold up to being thrown into a wall soon, we were going to have some problems. Not that my phone couldn't handle it, but I feel like it might be bad for the battery to be repeatedly popped out every morning.

I looked around, just a bit confused. I was actually in my bed. Usually I fell asleep at my desk doing homework. I strained to remember what had happened yesterday. Then I remembered that my boss had told me we could close early, so I had had an extra hour to do homework, and had actually finished before I fell asleep.

I jumped out of my bed and ran over to my window. Outside it was a pale green looking day, and pale green always went well with dark grey. I headed for my dresser, grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a pale green t-shirt, pulling them on while trying to get from my bedroom to the bathroom down the hall. I managed to get my shirt on and stood their with one leg in my jeans while i brushed my teeth and hair. I bent down and tried to pull them up while still missing one foot and using the other hand to put a dark grey braided head band in my hair.

Once I had managed to get myself together I slipped my feet into a pair of flatts and grabbed a paper bag out of the fridge from the several that were there; I chose the one that gave off a cheerful yellow with a bit of spark to it. I scooped my backpack up off the bedroom floor and locked the door behind me, double checking to make sure I had my apartment key with me before I locked that door too. My trusty blue Saturn was sitting in the parking lot waiting for me, I started it and shot off to school.

On the way to school, I took note of a few snow piles that had yet to melt, guessing that they were what was causing the 'pale' part of my green day. The radio said the high was going to be in the seventies, so I was okay, even though I had left my coat at home. I changed the radio to something that sounded country and snatched the can from my paper bag without looking at it.

At the next red light, I quickly examined today's pick. A Rockstar energy drink, two boiled eggs, and a granola bar. I opened the drink, and munched gratefully on one of the eggs while looking for a place to park. I ate the other egg on the way to my first class, making it just in time.

"Alright class, today, get out your notes over 280-295..."

The rest of the day was a boring blur, as usual. During lunch I did homework in my car while I ate my granola bar. By then the heat was making the pale green take on a slightly yellow tint.

When the final bell rang I was already In my car, having pleaded with my sixth hour teacher to let me out early, since I had for once, not fallen asleep in his class.

At home, I ran inside just long enough to grab my jacket and to change my headband for a ponytail holder. I shot across the street and in the back door of the local video store, 'In Your Home'.

"Katashi! Glad you're here, can you clock in half an hour early? I need to run some errands." I nodded to Suzan, my manager instead of answering because my name-tag was in my mouth and my hands were busy putting up my hair.

Suzan was a slightly chubby thirty-two year old woman with two toddlers and a knack for getting out of work."Thanks Katashi, there's only couple of people up front now, I'll see you tomorrow!" Suzan bustled out the door, leaving a purple trail of busy-body in her wake.

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