Chapter 3: The Gig

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A week later: 

Briana's POV

"Dace there's nothing to worry about.. You'll do great! Just pretend you're rehearsing in the shower like you always do." I said to Dacey to calm her down. 

"Bri! I'm naked in the shower so that means the audience is gonna see me naked. So i'll be singing naked oh god no!" Dacey sat down on the little couch backstage and started to hyperventilate. 

"Dace that's not what I meant.. I mean pretend we're in band rehearsal in your garage. It's not going to be any different." I sat down right beside her and hugged her tight. 

"But Bri.. What if I mess up.. What if I just loose it? What if I faint?!" She gasped really loudly that made me jump, " What if I die!!!!" 

I laughed at her nervousness and said "Dace, you'll do fine. I promise."

"And now to the stage, Lost Footage!!" We heard. 

"Guys come on!" Lana and Hayley called to us. We all went on stage, greeted by the crowds roar. I got behind drums and gave the others the signal. "Hi, we're Lost Footage, and we are going to be singing, Unpredictable." 

"1,21,2,3,4!" The chords for Unpredictable started to flow through the little room. 

She sits at home with the lights out
Seeing life in different colours
I think it's time that we wake up
So let me take you away 

We can run down the street
With the stars in our eyes
we can tear down this town
In the dark of the night
Just open the door
There's time on our side
We can make it out alive

Hey we're taking on the world
I'll take you where you wanna go
Pick you up if you fall to pieces
Let me be the one to save you
Break the plans we had before
Let's be unpredictable
Pick you up if you fall to pieces
Let me be the one to save you

It took so long to convince you
I knew I had to show my colours
You never wanted to be rescued
But now we're drifting away
We can run down the street
With the stars in our eyes
we can tear down this town
In the dark of the night
Just open the door
We've got time on our side
We can make it out alive

Hey we're taking on the world
I'll take you where you wanna go
Pick you up if you fall to pieces
Let me be the one to save you
Break the plans we had before
Let's be unpredictable

Once we finished, the crowd went crazy. 

We exited the stage, and hugged each other. "I told you we would do fine!" I told Dacey. She smiled and laughed. "What was I worried about!?" 

"So guys wanna go get a bite to eat?" I asked them getting my bag from the couch. I didn't hear an answer so I turned back around to face them. "Guys?"

Lana looked at Dacey and Dacey looked at Lana, while Hayley looked at the ground. Then Lana and Dacey started to speak in Spanish. Which they know I can't understand. You see, Dacey is half Spanish, and Lana learned it at her school. "Look Bri, we're waiting for someone but you have to stay with us!" 

"Ugh fine." I sat down and took out my phone. I started to scroll down tumblr, which is by far the best app on my iphone. After about 10 minutes the girls said to go with them somewhere. They pulled me into Lana's car and they put a bandanna on my eyes so I couldn't see where we were going.. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"It's a surprise." I heard Hayley say form the passenger seat. 

"We're here!" 

"Can I take this off now?" I asked.

"Nope!" I got from Lana and Dacey. We got out of the car and they walked me to i don't know where.. I heard a elevator ding and people talking, and a water fountain. "Yes excuse me, I'm here for Mr. Jackson." I heard Lana say. 

We walked into what seemed to be an elevator. Once it dinged we walked through the hallway and then we stopped. "Ready Bri?" Dacey said. 

"I've been ready for the past half an hour!" I replied. 

I heard someone knock on the door. "We're here!" Hayley called out. I heard the door open and the bandanna got ripped off and revealed a bright light to my eyes. 


Cliffhanger (: 


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