Chapter 17: The Answer

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Ashton's POV

"I wanted to ask you if um.. If you want to be my girlfriend.." I asked looking down at Briana. Her facial expression was blank but I knew she was trying to like process what I had just asked her. 

"Briana?" I asked her after a whole minute of silence. 

"Um.. I-I.. Let me think.. I can't think straight.." She whispered. I looked down to my hands and waited for Briana's answer. 

"Listen Ashton.. You're a really sweet guy and I've known you for what 2 weeks now? You're truly the most handsome, kindest, sweetest, and nicest guy ever. I like you I really do but.." 

Oh god I knew this is was gonna happen. 

"Yes. I will be your girlfriend." Briana ended, smiling up at me. 

I started to smile and took out a box from my pocket. I opened it up and showed it to Briana. 

"Here. As a present.. It was my mum's favorite bracelet. My dad gave it to my mum before I was born.. She gave it to me to give it to my future girlfriend. And now that's you." I said looking down at the silver bracelet. I looked up to Briana and she was speechless. I wrapped the bracelet around her right wrist. She smiled up at me and then hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She pulled away but not that far and looked me straight in the eyes. I got the message and leaned in. She leaned in close and our lips slowly touched. Her lips were so soft. I tried to deepen the kiss but the ferris wheel started moving. "Oh crap." I mumbled. 

"How about we continue this after the ride?" Briana whispered softly for only me to hear. I smirked and waited anxiously for the ride to stop. When it stopped we walked to the hall of mirrors. Briana entered first and I followed behind her. She held my hand and guided me through the hall. 

She dragged me to this corner where it was hiding from the main hallway. "I used to come here when I was younger.. I used to hide from Michael and he would get frustrated. It's quite funny." She said leaning against the wall. 

"So where were we?" I asked smirking. 

"We were here." She said, by kissing me. Her arms snaked around my neck and her fingers were getting tangled in my hair. My arms went around her waist. I started to deepen the kiss and Briana soon followed my lead. I felt a vibration on my thigh and realized that it was Briana's phone. She broke the kiss and answered her phone. "Hello?" She said. I heard an angry Michael through the phone. 

"Michael calm down.. I'll be home in a few. It's only 10:45 Michael." She replied calmly into the phone. I heard Michael scream some more and then Briana hung up. 

"I better get home.." Briana said. I nodded and we exited the hall of mirrors. 


sorry it's short... 


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