Rant on Twilight: Jacob Black

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Okay, time for a rant, since I can't do much else!

So, Jacob Black. Teenager, obsessed with Bella Swan, shot down many times. To be honest, I like Jacob. I really do. He's a really sweet character, and you just feel sorry for him. I mean, he's fallen in love with the most selfish, bitchy character. The one thing I hate about Jacob Black? You're supposed to hate him in Eclipse for trying to win Bella's affections. Can you blame him? (Well yeah, but who am I to judge :P)

We learn pretty much nothing about him in Twilight, other than he's Bella's old friend from when she was young. We also see that Bella is a bitch for leading him on at sixteen, just to find out about the guy who nearly killed her, and totally ignored her. You feel really sorry for poor Jacob for even responding. Poor lovestruck idiot. *sigh*

In lovely New Moon, we see Jacob try his best to pick up our broken Bella. You feel sorry for him because, again, she begins to use him to try and get into risky, stupid, possibly suicidal situations. He thinks something more will happen, and she leads him on. Sometimes, you just want to shake that boy. I mean, there are so many better girls for him, yet he goes for the stupid one. What I really hate is, when Jacob begins to stay away from Bella FOR HER SAFETY she uses it against him! I get it, when your friend becomes distant, you want to know why. But for her to go to his house and wait for hours in the rain, just to confront him is stupid. We, the reader, start to feel that Jacob is in the wrong, and that he's being irrational and blah, blah, blah.

Now, the whole werewolf element, I thought, was a good idea. We got to see a whole new side to a previously one dimentional character. We get our answers, and we understand why. Why he ignored her, why he had all those growth spurts etc. We also get introduced to the pack. Unfortunately, we only scratch the surface of it all, which sucks.

Skip foreward a good chunk, and Alice arrives, after Jacob risks his life (I think?) to save the blundering idiot. Jacob tries to protect said idiot, yet the idiot explodes at him. I mean, all us girls want is some guy to try to protect us, and see what''s best for us. What does Bella do? She ignores all this sweetness, and storms headforst into danger. When her boyfriend breaks up with her and tries to kill himself, what does she do? She again, runs headfirst into the damn cespool (did I spell that right?) of human blood drinkning vampires. I can get saving Edward, but being so callous to Jacob, and acting like a total bitch to him is something else. It wasn't his fault she lead him on and flirted with him. What a bitch!

So, skip the whole Italy scene, and head straight into Eclipse. What I hate most about that book? Bella wants the best of both worlds. When she's pissed at Edward, she runs to Jacob. She tries her best to get in contact with him again, knowing full well that he loves her! Bitch is playing Jacob! And then, when Jacob makes his move, she punches him. She knew full well, that bitch. To make matters worse, when she finally admits she loves him, but won't be with him, it's heartbreaking. He's still a kid, and she just shoots him down. Badly. And what does she accomplish? Nothing. She only hurts the two people she 'loves' the most. I know, this is beginning to become a 'Bella' rant again, but seriously! The poor child! What I really hate though, is when she goes to see him and tells him, when he's in pain, that there is no chance what so ever that they can be together. His side of the story is just so depressing and heartbreaking that, you really don't know what to say. 

So, when he finds out about Bella and Edward, he runs off to get his thoughts straight. Anyone would understand right? He's just been shot down by the girl he loves, and wants to be alone. To make matters worse for him though, he turns up at Bella's wedding, and finds out her plan. He reacts badly, as anyone would. What's the only thing I like about Breaking Dawn? We get to be inside Jacob's head, instead of bloody Bella. We get to see everything about the whole pregnancy, and how he feels about it. I love that whole portion of the book. I mean, it lightens the whole depressing, dull situation of Bella slowly dying, all because Edward was too freaking stupid to wear a condom. The whole birthing scene is a bit weird. Then, the whole thing with Jacob Imprinting with Bella's newly born baby. THAT'S freaky for sure.

You have to feel sorry for Jacob. I know I strayed far, far away from the topic in this rant, but that's the bottom line, isn't it? He falls for the wrong girl. In fairness, it wasn't really his fault, but still. You either want to hug him, shake him, or kill him. It all depends on your preferance :P It's a bit stupid that, in the end, Bella gets to keep Jacob in her life. I mean, if he decided to kill Bella and the Cullens, he could have lived a full and happy life. Queen fucking Bella gets what she wants, as usual. Again I say, what a bitch!!

So enjoy my Jacob Black rant, which slowly(or quickly) turned into something of a Bella Swan rant. Enjoy!

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