Rant on Twilight: Bella Swan. Pt. 2

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Right, once again, I'm brain dead, so let's continue with the equally brain dead (At least mine is temporary) Bella Swan rant!

So yeah, left off with her playing happy family with her "true love" Edward Cullen, after saving him from a group of power mad idiot vampires AKA; The Volturi!

So, she's trying to get Jacob to listen to her, and get him to hang around again.He ignores her, and replies rarely to her letters. To make things even better, when she attempts to talk and hang around with Jacob, lover-boy Edward messes with her truck engine. Does that annoy Bella? Of course it does, but not enough to hit the guy. So then, Edward takes Bella to see her mother for the weekend, hiding his true intentions. Lying bastard! So, Jacob tells her the truth, and hangs around with her, always protecting her. She gets back, with Edward being pissed off, and her trying to apologize.

So then an evil vampire comes along and steals some things and that makes everyone go on high alert. So all this crap goes down with Bella having to be protected, and switched between the wolves and the vamps. Jacob admits he likes Bella, and she shoots him down. Poor kid. Anyway, Bella graduates and the lovely pair get ready for a battle in which, hopefully Bella will die. Of course that doesn't happen, because little Jacob saves her from freezing to death, and then Edward protects her from Victoria. So then, Bella stays alive, and Jacob runs away. To make my day worse, she agrees to marry the jerk that left her in a deep depression.

So they get hitched, and Bella gets preggo! Does she remove the monster that's gonna kill her? No! She gets her ribs broken and says that she's grand! SO then, Jacob saves her, again. He keeps her healthy and safe. Again, the poor kid.

SO then Bella give birth to her daughter, in turn, becoming a vamp. She goes hunting and all sorts of stuff goes down. Then, out of the blue, another vamp comes along, thinking that Bella has an Immortal Child. She goes to the Volturi, causing the threat of war. So the Cullens bring along a whole bunch of awesome vampires, in turn finding out Bella's 'amazing' ability. She can create a mental shield (I think the word bubble or dome would be more appropriate) and saves everyone.... Everyone loves her kid, she starts to call her after the Loch Ness Monster and everyone lives happily ever after. Wait, no they can't, because now Edward can read Bella's thoughts. All he had to do was change her in Twilight, and he could've read her thoughts. But no, he had to be a stubborn prick! SO yeah, the end of a shite series of books.

Bella Swan is without a doubt, the most annoying, boring heroine in all teen fiction books. And vampire books for that matter! I mean, she's not happy when Edward doesn't let her get what she wants (Spoiled brat) and she's not happy without Jacob in her life (Selfish bitch). And people say that SHE is one of teen literature's most relate-able teenager? My arse! She's no more relate-able than I am to a cat!

Hope you all enjoyed this one, Lord knows I did >:) Post a comment of something I may have left out...or your own thoughts on the brainwaveless Bella Swan (And what kind of name is Bella Swan? Isabella Swan sounds so much damn better! Can't understand why she hates it so much)

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