Chapter 7: Annabeth

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AT THE MENTION OF THE NAME, I WAS PULLED INTO A LONG TRAIN OF MEMORIES. In the earliest ones, we were only twelve. The black haired boy lying in bed while I spoon-fed him pudding. Me playing capture the flag with him. Us fighting a snake haired monster. Me and him in the back of a zoo truck, talking and eating Oreos. Us playing ball with a three headed dog. Us on a Navy ship with a one-eyed boy, sailing on the ocean. The boy carrying me across a chasm on a tropical island. Me and him, dancing at a school dance. Him carrying the weight of the sky for me. Us navigating a maze together. Him about to be attacked, and me jumping in front of him and taking the blow. Us in an underwater air bubble, kissing.

There were more recent ones, too

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There were more recent ones, too. Me judo-flipping him in a Roman town. Us standing at the bow of a Greek warship. Us sitting in a room on the ship, alone together. Him supporting me, struggling through a red wasteland.

The memories were so overwhelming, I nearly passed out

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The memories were so overwhelming, I nearly passed out. Carter grabbed my shoulders before I fell into my plate of food. "Annabeth, are you all right?"

"Yeah..." I tried to steady my breathing. "It's just... yes. Percy. That's him."

Carter stared at me. "I met him," he said. "We fought a godly crocodile together."

"Did you say

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"Did you say... godly crocodile?" I asked, not sure if I heard right. Carter nodded.

"Guys," Amos said loudly. "Introduce yourselves to Annabeth, one at a time."

"I'm Jaz," said the blonde girl who'd spoken earlier. "I'm a healer. I might be able to help with memory loss. I've never tried."

"I'm Julian, combat magician," a tall boy next to Jaz said.

"My name is Cleo," a Brazilian girl introduced herself.

"My name is Shelby!" a little girl who looked about four said proudly. "I'm a magic girl!"

"I'm Felix," the boy with the penguin shirt said. "Is there a type of magician who only works with penguins? If so, that's me."

"I'm not sure, Felix." Jaz ruffled Felix's hair.

"I'm Alyssa. I follow the path of Geb. I'm an earth elementalist," another girl said.

The other kids introduced themselves.

"Are any other memories coming back?" Carter asked hopefully.

I took a deep breath. "The place where I came from is called Camp Half-Blood. It's a place for children of gods. Not Egyptian gods, though. Greek gods."

There were sounds of surprise from around the table. "Greek gods?" Cleo repeated. "Like, Zeus, and Hera, and Poseidon and stuff?"


"Who's your parent?" Cleo asked.

I thought for a moment. "Athena, I think."

"The wisdom goddess," Cleo stated. "She's your mom?"


"Percy's dad is Poseidon," Carter added. "I met him a few months ago. Sadie met you a little later."

"Really?" I asked.


"Where's this camp?" Jaz asked.

I took a deep breath. "Long Island Sound."


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The Lost Heroine (Heroes of Olympus/Kane Chronicles crossover) [2016]Where stories live. Discover now