Chapter 13: Percy

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I SWUNG MY LEGS OFF BLACKJACK'S BACK. She was standing next to a girl with black hair and orange eyes. Her clothes were white, and a silver pendant adorned her neck, along with her camp beads. Her blonde hair curled around her shoulders, framing her face. A leather bag was slung over her shoulder. She was holding a long wooden stick with an owl on it.

The second she saw me, her gray eyes shone with happiness. She put the stick down.

I sprinted towards her. I've never been a fast runner, but seeing her gave me newfound energy. I enveloped her in my arms. She was warm. I pressed my mouth to her ear and whispered, "Annabeth."

"Percy," she breathed back. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"I love you, Seaweed Brain."

"I love you too, Wise Girl."

She wrapped her arms around my neck. I put my lips on hers. She smiled against my mouth. She was beautiful. The way her hair cascaded down her back, the way her pendant and beads rested on her neck, the way her chest curved beneath her white shirt, the way... I forced my brain to stop thinking farther than that, and just enjoyed it.

The moment was broken by Leo wolf-whistling. Annabeth and I broke apart and glared at him while the rest of them laughed.

Piper yelled, "I love Percabeth! It's my OTP!"

Well, what the Hades was that about?

Annabeth laughed. "I never thought Piper would become a fangirl."

"Fangirl?" I repeated.

She shrugged. "OTP means 'one true pairing'. It's usually only in books, but apparently she does it in real life, too. Percabeth is a mix of Percy and Annabeth."

It was one of the weirdest things I'd ever heard, but I nodded as if I understood. "I see." Then I started to laugh. Annabeth started to laugh, too. For a minute, we just stood there and laughed. I was glad Annabeth was safe.

When I stopped laughing, Annabeth introduced me and the others to Walt, Zia and Jaz. Then we got a free tour of the Twenty-First Nome.

"We should stay in touch," Sadie said. "I'm guessing you guys don't have phones?"

All of us shook our heads except Annabeth, who said, "Not a good idea. They attract monsters."

"Scrying bowl," Carter suggested.

"We'd need one on our side," Annabeth said, even though I had no idea what a scrying bowl was.

"I have one," Walt offered. "I use it to contact my mom sometimes. You guys can have it."

"Walt, you can't give up your connection to your mum!" Sadie protested.

"I'll use Carter's bowl," Walt said. "Or make a new one. I'll be fine."

He showed us what the bowl did and how to use it. We attached it to Festus' claws. I thanked Walt and gave him a high five.


Next chapter is a PoV I've been wanting to do for a really long time. I haven't done him/her yet in this book. Any guesses?

The Lost Heroine (Heroes of Olympus/Kane Chronicles crossover) [2016]Where stories live. Discover now