Chapter 14: Leo

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CAMP HALF BLOOD WAS GOING TO HAVE ITS FIRST EVER SLEEPOVER. When I found out, I had to try really hard to make sure my nose didn't burst into flames.

The reason we got on the topic was because Sadie said, "I wish we could stay with you guys longer."

"We could," Carter pointed out. "Can't we go back with them, Amos?" Carter, Sadie, Zia, Walt, Jaz, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Will, Calypso, and I were sitting in Carter's room. Jason, Piper, Percy, Annabeth, and Carter were sprawled on the bed. The rest of us were on the floor. Calypso sat next to me. The baboon, Khufu, was bounding around the room, eating Cheerios. He seemed to like me especially, but I didn't know why, and I wasn't sure how to react to signs of affection from a baboon.

"That's true, you could," Amos said. He was leaning against the wall.

"I could Iris message Chiron," Nico offered. "I've got an extra drachma."

"A sleepover?" I asked excitedly. "Really?" Since I'd been on the run since I was eight, I'd never had a sleepover. Calypso slept in the Big House, although sometimes I wished she'd sleep in my cabin instead. The closest I'd ever got to a sleepover was being on the Argo II with the rest of the seven.

"Please?" Zia begged.

"Okay, sure," Amos agreed. "The plan can be for you guys to return by tomorrow afternoon, and if the plan changes, send me an Iris message. Or a scrying bowl message."

"YES!" I punched the air. "My first sleepover!"

Piper laughed. "Leo, I didn't think you'd be so excited!"

"It's exciting!" I protested. Khufu sat in front of me and placed his half-eaten bowl of Cheerios in my lap.

"First," Percy said, "let's pay a visit to Olympus. We're going to have a little chat with Hera."

"I agree," Annabeth replied. "She's stolen the memories of four different people. She's got to have a good reason."

"I'd like to meet this Hera," Sadie said. "She seems like an... interesting person."

"Right," I said, grimacing. "Tia Callida's really a great person to have lunch with. Tia Callida is Hera, by the way."

Khufu dug through Carter's closet and grabbed a package of Oreos. He gave everyone an Oreo. Nico and I got two. I grinned and ate one of mine. I gave half of my second one to Calypso. She frowned at it. "What is it?"

"It's an Oreo," I told her. "It's a sandwich with two chocolate cookies and a layer of cream. They're really good." As she tried one, I explained to Carter why she didn't know what Oreos were.

"Let's get back to camp!" Annabeth said excitedly, her hands entwined with Percy's.

"I call the dragon on the way back!" Sadie yelled.

"You're excited about Festus, I see," I said, grinning. "You've got good taste."

"Why would anyone not be excited about a dragon?" she retorted.

"You've got a point," I replied. "Guys, you ready to go?"

"Ready to go!" Piper said.

We climbed on our various rides. We basically had the same rides as last time, except that Freak carried Walt, Jaz, and Carter; Zia was carried by a giant vulture (I decided not to ask); and Annabeth rode on a huge owl (I didn't ask about that one, either). Sadie really enjoyed the ride on Festus. She yelled with excitement the entire way to the Empire State Building.

I parked Festus in a grassy field near the Empire State Building. Arion, Blackjack, and Tempest landed and started to graze (Arion grazed on some gold that Hazel summoned). Frank became human again, and Zia and Annabeth turned their giant birds into necklaces.

The Lost Heroine (Heroes of Olympus/Kane Chronicles crossover) [2016]Where stories live. Discover now