Chapter 11: Annabeth

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"CARTER, WAIT! REMEMBER WHAT?" I yelled, but he'd faded. I had no idea what had just happened. I turned to the others. "What happened? Where'd he go?"

"He used a hieroglyph the last time he met Percy, so that whenever Percy said Carter's name, he'd get summoned. Percy must've found out that Sadie was related to Carter," Zia said. "But now both of them are missing and if the camp is shielded by magic, we probably won't be able to get through."

I groaned. "How can we find them, then? Do we wait for them to return?"

"I don't know," Zia said glumly. "We could still use the Iris-message. Are you going to call Percy, or Carter, or who?"

"Chiron," I decided. "The activities director at camp."

"But how will that help?" Zia asked.

I didn't answer. "O Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Chiron at Camp Half Blood," I said, throwing the coin into the rainbow. Walt gasped as the coin vanished.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Jaz asked.

"Yes," I replied. The rainbow shimmered and grew into a rectangular screen. A brown haired, bearded man sat in a wheelchair, at a table. A man wearing a tiger-print cape and drinking Diet Coke was on the other side of the table. They were playing a card game.

"Chiron! Mr. D!" I yelled. I recognized both people.

The brown haired man looked up. "Annabeth!" he said in surprise.

The other man yawned. "Angelina Crozier is back."

"Where are you?" Chiron asked, ignoring Mr. D.

"Brooklyn House," I replied. "A training center for Egyptian magicians."

The other man scoffed and took another swig of Diet Coke. "More brats? First Greek, then Roman, and now Egyptian?"

"Be nice, Mr. D," Chiron chided. "Annabeth, how long have you been there?"

"Maybe five hours," I estimated. "Apparently I got switched with a girl named--"

"Sadie," Chiron finished.

"How'd you know?"

"Percy's been worried sick. Sadie is here. They're finding the rest of the seven in order to look for you."

"Good," I said, relieved.

"How much can you remember?" Chiron asked. "Sadie's memory was wiped. She appeared in the Athena cabin, in your bed, unable to remember her own last name."

"Same here," I answered. "Carter, Sadie's brother, had met Percy before and asked if I knew him. The memories started flooding back in, starting with Percy and me."

"That's great!" Chiron said. "Do you remember anyone else from camp?"

"Yes," I said. "Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Nico, Clarisse, Will, Butch, Drew, Calypso. I remember them, sort of."


Mr. D spoke up. "So, Annie Bell--"

"Annabeth," I corrected through gritted teeth.

"Whatever. You've disappeared. What made it happen this time? Had any trouble with Peter?"

"Percy," I contradicted. "And no. You think I chose to run away?"

"I would, if I had to be with Patrick Jones every day," Mr. D retorted.

"His name is Percy Jackson. It might be Hera up to her old tricks. She swapped Percy and Jason in order to make the Romans and Greeks meet, right?"

The Lost Heroine (Heroes of Olympus/Kane Chronicles crossover) [2016]Where stories live. Discover now