Chapter 15: Piper

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WE SLEPT IN THE BIG HOUSE, in one of the back rooms. There were three beds, which were taken by Percabeth, Frazel, and Jiper (me and Jason). However, we all ate popcorn and watched a movie for a really long time. 

The movie was Frozen. 

Okay, go ahead and laugh. And who cares if Annabeth, Hazel, Sadie and I sang along to every song?

Percy and Annabeth sang this really cute duet of Love Is An Open Door. Percy sang Hans' part and Annabeth sang Anna's part. It was the cutest thing. At the very end, Percy got down on one knee and said, "Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me?"

Annabeth said, "Can I say something even crazier? Yes!"

Then I yelled, "SO ROMANTIC!" Everyone laughed at that. 

You ready for this?

All of us sang Let It Go together. 

Leo was singing "Let it glow" instead of "let it go", and shooting sparks into the air. It was funny until he got some on Frank, who cursed at him in Latin and turned into a bulldog. Percy called Leo some scary things in Ancient Greek and shot water at him. Hazel, Annabeth and Calypso all managed to calm their boyfriends down eventually. Jason and I were laughing the whole time. 

The first time we saw Olaf, Leo did a perfect imitation of him, saying, "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Then he lit up and tried to hug Calypso, who scooted away from him. He ended up getting another free shower from Percy. 

I nearly died laughing when Jason imitated the voice of the grandfather troll during Fixer Upper. Then Frank turned into a reindeer and acted like Sven. That made us laugh even harder. 

When Elsa was in her castle fighting the guards, Jason yelled, "IT'S KHIONE!" Leo took it seriously and started shooting fire at the TV. Percy put it out before anything got out of hand, but before he did, he said in a deep voice, "Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!" 

"It was an accident!" Leo said in a high-pitched voice. The rest of us were laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. It was the funniest movie I'd even watched, even though I'd watched Frozen five times.

When the movie finally ended, most of us were asleep. Carter and Zia were next to each other on the floor. Percy and Annabeth had fallen asleep in one of the beds, Annabeth's head resting on Percy's chest. Hazel was holding Frank the bulldog. Leo and Calypso were sleeping together, arms around each other. Jason had fallen asleep next to me in the bed, with his glasses still on. I lay down and went to sleep, hoping for some peaceful sleep for once.

Of course, I was wrong.

The thing is, in the demigod world, there is no such thing as peace. The second I fell asleep, I felt very cold. All I could see was white. Then I heard a voice that sent chills down my spine. 

"Hello, Piper McLean. It's been a while." 

The speaker came into view. She was surrounded by snowflakes. Her dark hair was in a bun, not a strand out of place. Her dress was whitish-blue, like Elsa's. I recognized her instantly and cursed in Ancient Greek. 

"What are you doing in my dreams?" I snapped. For some reason I could speak as if I was right in front of her. 

"Piper McLean," she said, ignoring my question. 

"What am I doing here? Where are we?" I asked, looking around. 

She smirked. "That would be telling."

"Is this a dream?" I asked. 

"As of now, yes," she replied. 

"What do you mean, 'as of now'?" I demanded. 

"With my rising power, I can bring you to me. Your friends will start a quest tomorrow morning, no doubt," she said, smiling broadly. "And you will not join them."

"What are you talking about?" 

She laughed without humor. "You and I will be having some... quality girl time, you could say."

"What? Where are you taking me? Why won't I be on the quest?" I yelled. "What are you planning? Tell me now!"

"Oh, yes," Khione said, curling her lips into an evil smile. "This is going to be fun."


Any guesses on what just happened? Whose PoV will be next? 

I just had to have them watching Frozen. I love that movie, and I had some crazy ideas about how to make the chapter interesting. 

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