Chapter 10: Sadie

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Quick shout out to -alliecat for her hilarious comments! Your comments make my day! Also, that pic up top is of Carter and Sadie. 
THE NAME TRIGGERED A STREAM OF MEMORIES. My brother and I, shielding ourselves from an explosion in a museum. Us sitting at a breakfast table with a baboon. Turning into birds for the first time. Realizing that gods lived inside us. Defeating the shabti magicians at Graceland. Finding out that his girlfriend was a piece of clay. Fighting Desjardins and Menshikov-- these names just appeared in my brain-- together. Me using sympathetic magic to heal him after he was attacked by the tjetsu heru. Us fighting side by side, defeating Apophis. I knew the answer to Percy's question, but the memories were powerful and took me over for a while. I was caught in the middle of a giant flashback.

Percy tapped me on the shoulder. "Are you okay, Sadie?"

His second question barely registered in my mind. "Yes," I said, in answer to his first question. "His name is Carter Kane."

The air next to Percy shimmered. Percy glanced at the back of his hand, which was glowing. "Styx!" he yelled. "I summoned him by saying his name!" He held out his right hand, which had a glowing blue hieroglyph on it. I read it easily. CARTER.

"Smart," I admitted. "He wrote his name on your hand so that he could be called to you if you said it."

"He's coming now!" Percy said. A figure began to take shape next to him. The figure had dark hair and skin, white clothing, and an amulet with an eye on it.

"Sadie?" Carter Kane exclaimed

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"Sadie?" Carter Kane exclaimed. He ran up to me and squeezed me so tightly I couldn't breathe.

"Carter... can't breathe..." I mumbled after a while. 

He let go of me. "Why on earth did you leave? How did you get here? How did you get switched with Annabeth? You..." He called me some things in Ancient Egyptian that I'm not going to repeat. I must say, I was impressed that my brother could say things like that. "Don't ever do that again!"

"You say it like it's my fault!" I protested. "You think I chose to get sent here?"

"Hold up!" Percy yelled. "You have Annabeth? Where?"

"Brooklyn House," Carter replied. "If you hadn't said my name and brought me here, I would still be there."

"She's at your place?" Percy repeated. "HERA!" he yelled at the sky. Then he yelled something in Ancient Greek. I was willing to bet my sheut that it was a pretty bad insult. Thunder rumbled.

"You talk to the sky, and it talks back?" I asked.

"Yeah. Has her memory been erased?"


"So she... doesn't remember me?" Percy asked in disbelief.

"She remembers," Carter said. "I realized that she knew you, and I asked if she knew Percy Jackson. She said yes. Just saying your name made her remember."

The Lost Heroine (Heroes of Olympus/Kane Chronicles crossover) [2016]Where stories live. Discover now