Chapter 25: Carter

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THE HOURS THAT FOLLOWED MY DISCOVERY WERE THE MOST STRESSFUL OF MY LIFE. We cooked another meal. I was really confused, because since it was summer, Antarctica had no night. The sun stayed up. I guessed that it was about ten-thirty in the evening New York time zone, because I was ready to drop, but if I was right in guessing, then there were only thirty minutes until the sphinx would let us leave. 

"Are you ready to summon the portal?" I asked.

"Ready," Annabeth replied.

"I wonder what they're doing," Leo said, staring off at the frozen ocean. "I know we've only been away from them for, like, ten hours, but I miss Calypso like crazy. And Jason, and Piper, and Hazel, and Percy, and Nico... gods, I even miss Frank!"

"Me too," I said. "Zia, Sadie, Walt, Jaz, Amos, Percy, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank. I miss all of them."

"So do I," Annabeth answered. "Remember all of us, messing around while watching Frozen?"

"Frank freaking out when I touched him with a spark?" Leo added, grinning.

"You singing 'Let It Glow'?" Annabeth said, smirking.

"Jason telling Leo that Elsa was Khione?" I reminded them.

"The good days," Leo sighed.

"It was yesterday!"

"I know, but it feels so long ago! Annabeth lost her memories, we all went to Brooklyn, Piper got kidnapped,-- heck, we were ice statues. Forgive me for feeling like it was a long day."

Annabeth glanced at the screen of her cell phone, which had amazingly survived being turned into ice. "Eleven! It's ready!" she whooped.

Leo and I grabbed our supplies. I threw the ones I got into my magician's bag. Leo stuffed his into his tool belt. Then we ran outside.

Annabeth was standing by the staff. Her gray parka sparkled in the sun, as did her eyes. Her blonde hair was thrown every direction. Leo's curly hair was tousled and icy. His orange coat stood out among the white and gray. Both of them looked freezing cold and dirty. I probably didn't look much better, after the fight with Khione, turning to ice and back, and living in Antarctica for a day.

I took along the scrying bowl they'd left behind. Then I followed Leo and Annabeth to the sphinx.

"We're going home!" Annabeth yelled. Leo and I cheered. Annabeth slammed her staff into the sphinx and yelled, "Camp Half Blood, Long Island Sound, New York!"

The sphinx began to glow purple. Sand began to swirl around it in a miniature hurricane. Without hesitation, Leo, Annabeth and I jumped into the portal and tumbled through it, straight into the Big House.

"CARTER!" Zia screamed. Everyone cheered. I ran straight into her arms. She kissed me on the lips. Leo and Calypso hugged, and Percy wouldn't let go of Annabeth for a solid five minutes. Everyone was yelling and screaming excitedly. Zia finally let me go, and Sadie took over. Behind me, Piper and Jason hugged Leo. Percy and Annabeth kissed. Piper finally broke up the kiss by yelling "PERCABETH!"

"I'm so glad you guys are okay!" Walt yelled. "How'd you do it?"

"Food: fish," Annabeth said, counting on her fingers. "Supplies: tool belt. Fire: Leo Valdez."

"So light 'em up, up, up! I'M ON FIRE!" Leo sang, bursting into flames. Frank stepped back.

"Water: evaporation to change salt to fresh," Annabeth continued.

"I missed you guys so much!" Piper cried.

"You gave us a huge scare!" Jaz said. "We all thought you were dead!"

"Let's finish the movie!" Frank suggested.

"What movie?" I asked automatically.

"Big Hero 6!" Sadie replied.

Leo looked enraged. "Wait, what? You watched Big Hero 6 without me? How could you?"

Frank stifled a laugh. "Leo, we only watched fifteen minutes of it."

"Can we start it over?" he begged.

Piper giggled. "Sure."

The movie was incredible. I'd never seen it before. Baymax was hilarious. I'm pretty sure that in the scene that Hiro's brother died, all of us cried, including me. Leo and Nico cried the most, I think. Frank, Percy, Sadie and Leo would say all the lines along with the characters. Leo especially enjoyed the character Fred. He would light up and yell, "I BREATHE FIRE!" Sadie did a really good Gogo imitation. I have to say, watching Big Hero 6 was every bit as interesting as Frozen. Apparently, everything is exciting when it comes to Egyptian magicians and Greek and Roman demigods.

Our quest to defeat Khione was the first of many, and the first quest brought us together. Our second battle was against Setne, who was trying to make himself a god. We would talk through the scrying bowls. Whenever one of us needed help with a quest, we would talk to each other with our bowls. The Greeks kept the bowl in the Big House. Freak and Festus were good friends, so we made sure to meet up pretty often. Sometimes, I would wake up to Annabeth or Percy's voice calling my name urgently, and I would round up our part of the team and make a portal to Camp Half Blood immediately. The three ancient worlds were reunited again. 


Aaaaand that's a wrap! This was super fun to write and I hope it was fun to read. Thank you so much to all the readers who have been consistently commenting, voting, interacting, and catching my mistakes! I'm tagging a number of readers who have been especially helpful and interactive below. Comment or DM if you don't want to be tagged.






















This list will be updated as more readers are involved. Thank you again for reading!

Yours in demigodishness and all that,


The Lost Heroine (Heroes of Olympus/Kane Chronicles crossover) [2016]Where stories live. Discover now