Play with me

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        Mrs. Williams took her keys and headed to her car, reminding Sally that she had to get some groceries. Johnny then insisted that he could go instead. Sally's mother thanked him and asked if Sally could go with him. Sally was slowly shaking her head, but he mother couldn't see.

        Johnny started the car and Sally buckled herself into her seat. Johnny looked at her and Sally smiled nervously. It was a while until they reached the store, and Sally pointed out that they passed the store. Johnny said he was going to go to a different store. Sally looked out the window and watched the store become more and more distant.

        Uncle Johnny unbuckled Sally fiercely and threw her onto the grass. Sally screamed and kicked. Johnny hit her a dozen times and repeated to Sally what he has said earlier "You didn't play the game right." Sally cried and Johnny hit her a couple more times. Sally clenched her teddy bear and watched as Johnny drove away. She walked in pain, never reaching home. She died on her way, and police found her laying, her rotting body next to the foggy road. 

        Her mother died shortly after that, and new residents came and took over Sally's old house. One of the older children saw Sally in her old room, with two bloody streaks going down her pale skin. She hugged her teddy bear and turned slowly, holding out her toy.....

"Play with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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