After the Release...

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The sound of waves crashing jolted me awake.

It had almost been a week since my release from the werewolves. Although I was requested to return to the sea by Her Highness I didn't. Something wasn't right and I had to find out what.

Never in all my life had I heard or a marriage between werewolves and mermaids, and to further extent - a peace marriage.

Although they'd rather not admit it the thrill felt from the gore of battling and wars presented a soothing and almost tranquil effect on the werewolves - they were naturally aggressive. 

Myst relocated me to a hotel a few miles off Marina Bay, on Vega Coast. It was werewolf city and the perfect spot for me to remain monitored by the mutts...

I stripped off my pajamas and made my way to the  bathroom which was quite breathtaking.

The ceiling was high and made of varnished oak.. dark brown and very sensual. However, the walls of the bathroom were apple white, with several artpieces decorating it. The shower was made entirely of glass, as were the sinks and cupboards...

No privacy...

The floor was a checkered tile, with small wolf outlines on each tile. Despite this, the jacuzzi, and full bath made up for the excess exposure...

Slidding into the tub I willed my tail to remain hidden as I caressed my legs; Smooth, and definitely Unnatural. 

With a sigh I quickly ended my bath, avoiding thoughts of all the fun times I had with Jay, Jacob and Roger.... especially Roger...

I made my way downstairs to the lobby, using the elevator that seemed more like a prison than a mode of transport. 

Upon entering the reception area the mutts sniffed the air automatically noticing my scent. It seemed that the spell Myst put on me to keep me hidden had worn off...

"Fish", a female growled turning up her nose  as if she smelt something bad. "Bitch", I muttered causing the human receptionist to snicker at my snide comment.

Unashamed and unafraid I made my way to the entrance, only to be j-walked by a few more females.

"Sorry, we didn't see you there",  they smirked evilly shoving past me towards a few males who could pass for WWE competitors. 

Ignoring the treatment I made my way to the small cafe located a few blocks away from the hotel.

Upon entry I smelt the most amazing thing I ever did.

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