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Naunet's P.O.V.

My day had just began at the Lakeview Highschool.

Myst believed that if the mermaids could infiltrate the school killing off the humans would be easier and thus, protecting the ocean would be easier. It was these humans, and their offspring, that were attacking our ecosystem with their oil and poaching... It was only right that they taste their own medicine.

I was Myst's main spy and warrior on land. Others were still in training til they overcame the fear of death, land and being revealed.

Even though I was prone to fright I could suppress it and get over it quickly, well most of the time.

Upon entering the school i wore what the 'Vogue' magazine said would be in fashion; a pleated light green miniskirt and a white tube top with a hoodie jacket. Although i was not a fan of having legs I did feel very attractive with the different fabrics encasing my usually naked flesh. My black hair was restrained in a tight bun with loose strands framing my face.

Though I had been around for many centuries, my aging process had stopped when I turned, according to human years, 18. It happened to all merfolk when they completed their transition. This involved living on land for 6 months in order for an appreciation of our fins to be generated, as well as, to introduce us to human society.

We weren't ignorant of the various devices used by the mortals, but many of our kind even aided in the development of the said products. Unfortunately, even with my large expanse of knowledge, I was stuck pretending to be a senior eighteen year old.

The air had suddenly changed as I entered the school grounds.

The school building was modernly fitted to suit the taste of advancements in human technology. The apple white walls held dozens of posters and flyers for the "Anime Club" and "Glee Club".... along with Drama and a wide expanse of sports. even the steel lockers lining the walls had small flyers stuck on them promoting human leisure and recreation.

I let out shaky breath as I continued my journey down the endless hallway to class 476 to commence my mission.

Eyes were glued on me as I entered the noisy overcrowded classroom.

I observed my fellow classmates scanning them to see if any dark forces were present among them...none.

I sat next to an okay-looking guy whose head was stuck in a book. His eyes were low and covered and he seemed to be avoiding my gaze. I had to make friends in order to complete this mission asap, this way, I would be able to return to my waters sooner. I shifted my attention to some teenagers who were strolling towards me.

"So you're the new girl huh?!"

Those words came from a beautiful blonde girl. She had a pretty smile but her looks were nothing compared to those of the mermaid people, she was just human. I returned her warm greeting with a smile and a hi.

"I'm Natalie but you can call me Lily", I faked another smile unsure of what to do next.

"Hey", her features changed slightly and she seemed to warm up to me,"I'm Jessie but call me Jay". She sat on the silent boy's table and began pointing out her friends who were behind her.

"This is Jacob", she said pointing to a cute guy with dirt brown hair, "and these are my cousins Lisa and Linette". I smiled at the two shabby looking brunettes. Their attention was turned to the silent boy next to me. "Oh and I almost forgot, this is Roger" . She pointed to the boy sitting next to me. He looked up at me nearly making my heart stop.

"Hey". His voice was a mere whisper that sent chills down my spine.

He had beautiful grayish-blueish eyes. I felt my heart lurch out of my chest as he put out his hand for me to shake it. I responded like any normal person would but as he let it go, my heart sank a bit.

I wanted him.

I wanted him to be the one to hear my song...

"So umm wow... you really are one hot babe" My attention shifted back to Jay. She was smiling at me as she eyed me down.

"Thanks I guess"

"So wanna be friends?"

"Yeah that would be nice"

I felt a weird sensation come over me as she hugged me. Human emotions seem to find its course in my body and I couldnt help but laugh as she told me the utter nonsense that occurred almost everyday with her friends.

Still this foreboding evil lingered as I watched Jay's face turn from annoyed to happy to silly. Something was different about this group....

They were human....right?

So why did I feel like something bad was going to happen.

I shook it off relishing in the joy of friendship.

As lunch rolled around and the day progressed I felt a bond forming with these five. I was being sucked in, and for once I was glad it wasn't me doing the entrancing. I'd giggled, laughed, smiled and cracked jokes more than I had in my entire undersea life,...

I was getting attached ... And I loved it.

"thanks for having me as a part of your group", I said and for the first time in a long time, I genuinely meant what I said...


So what do you think? Team jacob or team roger? Should I continue it or stop it? Well Vote, Like and Fan pleaseeee :)

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