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Naunet's POV

I was still in shock from what Alpha Williams had said. 

He'd given them the right to do anything they wanted to me.


Myst must be absolutely crazy to allow mutts the authority to command mermaids, especially me. That must mean she there's something she's hiding, something that she must not allow anyone to find out.

Oh Ceto, have you forsaken me?

"You're awfully quiet", Roger stated, his hand loosely stroking the curve of my back as he guided my striken state towards their bedroom.

"Why so silent baby? We don't bite too hard" Raphael said smirking at me as my glare met his eyes.

"I do not approve of this, period. But Myst is my queen so I must obey her orders to keep the peace. Just because you now command me doesn't mean you can use this authority for your own pleasure. I'd appreciate it if you keep the sexual advances to a bare minimum."

I'd turned around to face them as we reached the entrance to my new resting place with them-our bedroom from now on.

Both Raphael and Roger frowned at what I was insinuating, and before Raphael could speak, Roger cut him off.

"We aren't rapists. We don't overpower a woman's right to reject us with some makeshift authority given to us by our superiors, or some fish trying to combine two species for her personal gain. We do not need to command you to feel anything for us, because regardless of what you say and try to force us to believe, you are our mate and we do not need to command you to want us. I can still smell the desire on you from earlier, and that's enough for me, for us, to know that you know deep inside your heart that you are meant to be with us. Don't stoop so low to make us seem like sex-crazed criminals"

Roger had pushed past me a frown prominent on his face as Raphael followed suit, but not before shooting me a look of disappointment.

Why does my heart hurt like this?

It isn't like I was trying to hurt their feelings intentionally.

"I was just setting some boundaries" I said turning towards the two figures who were now stripping the sheets on their bed and putting away the doll they'd occupied their time with earlier.

Raphael sighed, his muscles rippling the the tight fabric of his blue vest as he rubbed his face.

"It's ok, well it's not but I'll let it slide this time because you've never had to follow the orders of anyone but Queen Myst".

Why isn't that reassuring enough?

I feel like it's only half-good, it good enough.

I need Roger's....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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