New Ownership

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The tension in the room could probably be cut with a knife. The mutts had turned me into the Alpha, even though we were all obviously sexually frustrated and the door opportunity would usually knock on was already off its hinges.

I had to give it to them, Roger and Raphael really had self restraint.
My panties were still in their closet and I'm sure even the Alpha sitting opposite me at his desk could smell my arousal.
The sick bastard probably thought it was because of him- little does he truly know...

"So I release you and you come back to my packhouse, invading on my territory and my warriors' privacy. That isn't a nice thing to do now is it Princess?" He snarled out narrowing his eyes at me and abruptly rising from his desk and standing right in front of me.

He smelled of cigars, lots of it. I would have to be a fool to deny his attractiveness, but his stench of musky earthiness wasn't as appealing to me as Roger's or Raph's.

Theirs reminded me of the little islands that often disappeared at high tide in remote corners of the sea, a scent that remained unconsumed by the saltiness of the water. Raph and Roger were earthy, but they retained a uniqueness in their scent even after joining their pack.

"I thought you sought peace between us Alpha..."

-"Bryant Williams. A name you'd better learn fish!"

"Alpha Bryant... Is this your way of making peace with the family of your future betrothed?"

Suddenly both Raph and Roger let out loud, intense growls, grabbing my arms roughly and trying to pull me into their laps, even though they were in single chairs on opposite sides of me.

"You will never be His. You are OURS!!"

The force at which I was being tugged side to side popped my both bones out of their sockets causing Roger and Raph to stop pulling and start rattling off apology after apology for the damage they cause.
After about 1o minutes of trying to calm them down, Alpha Williams had enough and silenced them with a menacing growl that shook the entire room like the grumbles of awakened underwater volcanoes.

"We apologize Alpha"

"You'd better, and why are you two possessive over this mermaid. I'd think the bitches in the pack would be enough for you two, or even the humans."

" She is our mate and no other can satisfy us."

Both their eyes began to glow a golden yellow, much to mine and the Alpha's dismay. This meant that the words they said were honest and genuine.

"Ummm... Excuse me mutts, and alpha of mutts, but I am still here."

Sneering at me, the Alpha lowly growled " I will not tolerate the disrespect sea witch. Just because you have Myst's favour does not mean you have mine. "

"Of course Alpha. Now may I leave?" I asked sarcastically, biting back the plethora of insults swirling in my head and at the tip of my tongue.

"No you may not. Myst informed me of your apparent ignoring of her orders, and has given me rights to command you as she would in return for your continued stay on my land--"

"--- I will never revere you as King over me"

"You may not want to but you have to. And as first act as your new commander, I confine you to the jurisdiction of Warriors Roger and Raphael, who you will live with, train with and treat as your superiors!"


That's the only emotion I could feel.

Utter shock.

He just made me their slaves, and by the rising smirks on their faces, and the sparks glinting in their eyes, the don't mind one bit......

"Understood Alpha. Roger and I will ensure the mermaid behaves, even if we have to spank her into submission."

They definitely don't object.

Ceto what have you gotten be into.

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