1: 31 p.m (Australian Time-Zone)

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The coffee is starting to wear off in Serena Adams' bloodstream, thinning out noticeably as she feels her energy being sucked out from her computer screen

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The coffee is starting to wear off in Serena Adams' bloodstream, thinning out noticeably as she feels her energy being sucked out from her computer screen. 

She rubs her eyes and forces it to open, widening her eyes apart. God. Lately, she doesn't know why but she's just been extremely tired all the time. She has never been affected by the lack of sleeping in her life before. She has always been steady as a rock whenever she's functioning on three hours a sleep. Whatever fatigue she feels has been transferred into wits for her bitchy comebacks.

"Come on, Serena," she grumbles to herself, "Stay awake if you want to pass the semester."

Her fingers work across her laptop's keyboards, swiping efficiently as she concludes the last sentence of a paragraph she's been working on since last night. For some reason, inspiration has been hard to come by- every time she types something, she reads it inside her mind and it somehow sounds stupid so she erases it and tries again. Over and over again. Until she's satisfied- but so far, no such luck. 

And she needs to pass up all ten thousand words of it...by Thursday. That's in two days. Fuck my life, thinks Serena, combing her hand angrily through her hair. She needs an A-worthy paper in two days or not it's goodbye scholarship. 

Suddenly, pulling her out of her trance, the door bell cuts through the air- sharp and clear, resounding across the whole apartment.

"MICHAELA!" yells Serena, "GET THE DOOR."

"Why do I have to get it?" Michaela, Serena's flatmate, screams back, emerging out of her bedroom in only a lazy Black Veiled Brides t-shirt and shorts. Earlier in the year, Serena used to get excited every time she hears Michaela speak- purely because Michaela has such a heavy Australian accent. Now she's kind of used to it. "You're closer to the door."

"I'm crying over my future. I'm busy."

Michaela rolls her eyes, smacks her lips and mutters, "Wanking Americans," then she proceeds down the hallway to the door. 

Serena absentmindedly returns back to her laptop, trying to get back into her essay when Michaela speaks again, shock thinning in her voice.

"Um, Serena?"


"It's for you."


also i just uploaded my first youtube video! check it out if ya want x

Breakup Helpline [#2 of the Helpline Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now