1: 32 (Australian Time-Zone)

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In Theo's honest opinion, Serena doesn't look like the girl he had to imagine her to be

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In Theo's honest opinion, Serena doesn't look like the girl he had to imagine her to be. He didn't know what to expect- a dark haired girl with punk blue and green streaks in her hair with piercings and tattoos and permanently clenched fists. He imagined Serena to be sort of curvy and otherworldly tall, looking like the type of girls who can beat you up into a pulp without hesitation. 

Instead, she looks...too nice. 

Wispy, golden blonde hair has been looped into a loose bun with small sections of insanely curly locks falling down into her narrowed, squinty green eyes. Her face is tanned and freckled, her nose is slightly red and peeling from a healing sunburn and she's on the short and small side, being swallowed in the massive Misfits t-shirt and Ripcurl shorts. Her feet are bare with chipped black nail polish and she wears a moderately confuse expression, blinking in confusion when she takes him in for the first time. 

She looks like a basic white girl in all it's categories of appearances, save her clothing. She looks like those Valley girls she accused him of dating...but she's also the most opposite of that. 

"Serena?" It feels good to say her name to her again. Especially now that when the name comes up, a face emerges. 

Serena scrunches her face in confusion. "Who are-"

"It's me, Theo."

It hasn't been that long, really, but Jesus Christ it feels like it's been years since he hears that naturally sarcastic tone. And what use to be an irritant has soothe it's way into something he associates with comfort. 



Serena's eyes widen. "Holy shit."

He chuckles. This is weirder than he thought it'd be. "Yeah."

"How did you-"


There is only one word needed to establish an understanding of how he came to be here. But there is still so much unresolved- a world of tension stands in between them as their eyes connect. 

"Um," she looks back and forth from him and to her roommate, who is watching observingly and quietly in the distance, "Look- I don't...know if this is a good time-"

"I think- I think I might love you."


Breakup Helpline [#2 of the Helpline Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now