Chapter Thirty Five

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Thanks  for regularly leaving comments and voting!! This chapter is dedicated to you :)

Introducing our new character Sunshine! One of the winners from  the Chapter Twenty One competition, chaebomrazy21CONGRATULATIONS and I hope you'll like how your character comes out in the story!! ●) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 

If you guys would like for me to do another competition, then VOTE and if we can get 100 votes on this chapter I'll create another competition ;)

If you guys would like for me to do another competition, then VOTE and if we can get 100 votes on this chapter I'll create another competition ;)

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Jay Park's POV

        I couldn't believe it, my heart pounded as I stared at the faces of my fellow companions. CL, the badass leader of 2ne1, with her disheveled blond hair, and dirt stained clothes, and Suho, the kind leader of Exo, his face reflected with shock. They looked completely different from how I last saw them. So many thoughts passed through my mind, what were they doing here? Where were their teammates? What happened to the bus?

     "Jay please, sit down" CL urged in a silent whisper, she pulled out a pillow from the tent behind her and placed it on the ground so that I could make myself comfortable, not an easy feat when you've been tortured for the past couple of days. I gratefully obeyed her command and thanked my new friend Sunshine who had been supporting half my weight.  There were a couple seconds of awkward silence as we all sat down in a circle and glanced at one another. 

"What happened-" CL and I blurted out at the same time. " go first" she laughed nervously.

"Ok...." I took in a deep breath before retelling the story of how I escaped from the worst abuse I've ever experienced in my whole entire life.


"One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered."

--Michael J. Fox

                  Kang's voice now sounded distant from the room that I was trapped in, he was on the phone and I overheard him mention the name of T.o.p from Big Bang. But now wasn't the time to worry about that, I knew that I had to work fast in order to escape this hell hole, this was my only chance. And after witnessing how cruel Kang murdered Siwon, Leeteuk and Hyun Joong, I knew that if I failed at this opportunity I would be faced with a painful harsh death. 

                   I was strapped tightly against a chair in a cold, dark, empty room without any supervision. I doubt the door would be unlocked, but Kang foolishly left behind a crate of tools, most of which he used to torture me. If I could get to that crate of tools fast enough, I could break free from the straps that tied me to this chair and escape. 

                  The crate was all the way across the room from where I was, my feet pressed onto the ground as I began to scoot my chair across the bloody concrete floor. The sound of the metal chair across the concrete made a loud squeaky sound, and  I prayed under my breath that nobody heard it. 

              I continued with all my might, the straps holding me tightly to the chair pressed hard into my ribcage, making it difficult to breath. First seconds passed, then minutes, I was making little progress. I shivered as  the icy drops of sweat dripped down my neck. The blood on my body had dried into irritating scratchy patches, I longed to wash it off so bad. 

  "Focus Jay, you can do this"

           I wasn't that far from the crate now, It was only an arm lenght away. 

"Hey! Have you seen that crate of tools?" A man's voice shouted from outside my room.

          I froze, my body stiffened. 

"Is this the end?"

          "Umm, I think Kang might have left it out on the field" Another voice answered, "I'll help you look"

Footsteps, and then, silence.

              With one last shove, I dropped  myself with the chair directly in front of the crate. It was difficult, but I physically plunked my head into the open crate of tools and using my teeth I grabbed a razor sharp knife.

              First I would have to cut off the straps binding me to the chair, and it would seem near impossible since I couldn't use my hands, all I could use was my mouth. Whatever, I can still do this. I have to, in order to survive. The first strap I worked on was the one on my shoulder, after that got loose, I worked on my left arm, and then my right. In under 10 minutes I had finally freed myself from the chair.

          Now I had to get out of the room. I rummaged through the crate of tools and looked for a weapon I could use to defend myself. I was definitely keeping that knife, I looked through the crate again and grabbed a large hammer. 

"Ah, Kang must have left it in that room with the prisoner" I could hear the same voices from earlier approach the room. I rushed away from the crate and stood besides the door, away from apparent view. The footsteps sounded closer, I waited patiently as the men finally entered the room. 

"Huh, wheres the prisoner?"

As fast as I could, I knocked both of the guards down with the hammer, they fell to the ground, blood poured formed around their heads.

"Shit, I just killed somebody"  The thought left as quickly as it had appeared, now just wasn't the time to dwell on that.

     I ran as fast as I could,  one of my feet were injured so I limped badly. I didn't know which direction  I was going in, I wasn't completely confident that I would even escape from this huge Colosseum. I was still inside the building, surrounding by concrete ceilings, and floor, I was afraid that at any moment one of the guards would pop up.

"Hey!" A whisper, so quiet I might have not heard it if it wasn't for the adrenaline running through me. 

I glanced behind me, and noticed the voice came from inside a room. Unlike the room I was entrapped in, this room had a small crack for a window. A woman's brown eyes peeked behind it.

"Please, help me" She whispered, her voice soft yet urgent.

I nodded, ofcourse I'd help her. I used the knife I had to unlock the door and within seconds she was out. "Thanks" she nodded gratefully, her warm eyes and auburn colored hair immediately put me at ease, "You were an Idol, weren't you" 

She smiled sadly, "A trainee to be exact, my names Sunshine" 

"How long were you trapped here for?" I asked.

"Too long" She shrugged her shoulders, "But I'm free now thanks to you, now follow me I know a way out of this place before they realize were gone"

                                                                                 *       *       *

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