Chapter Twelve

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Minzy POV

"Get it, get it!" Amber screamed at Kevin who was having a difficult time catching the fish. He grasped the fish's scales and yelled out a terrifying scream.

"Oppa! You let it get away~" She laughed.

"Mianhae.." He grumbled. "But its so slimy and scaly.." He wiped his hands on his dark blue shorts in disgust.

"It seems that Luhan and Suho are doing a pretty good job" I pointed out, they stood a couple of feet away from us, "They caught 5 fish already"

"What!?" Amber shouted, "We didn't even catch one yet"

"What are they doing that were not?" I sighed. We've been out here for at least 25 minutes, and we haven't had any luck.

"Lets go learn from them" Kevin suggested.

We trudged towards the duo, they were already on their 6th fish.

"Hey guys!" Amber shouted.

"Hey!" Suho shouted back and waved.

"You guys are doing a good job" I smiled, "Can you teach us?"

"Yeah ofcourse!" The Exo-K leader replied. "We've been using pieces of clothing as bait. See if you braid it like this, it looks like a worm right? Tie it onto a stick and wati. And you have to be very quiet, very carfeul. I think you guys were making too much noise maybe?"

"That was all Kevin" Amber giggled and patted him on the back.

"Shut up.." Kevin grumbled.

After Suho taked some more about what we should do we all went to our own designated spots to fish.

I was a little farther away than everyone else, but I didn't mind. It was quiet and peaceful.

After a couple of minutes of waiting I noticed that I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my cellphone and saw that I was getting a call from Jay Park.

"Omg!' I qucikly pressed on answer and brought the phone to my ear.


"Minzy!--" The voice on the other end was faint and it was difficult to hear what he was saying. "H-help-us--T.O.P----danger!"

"Jay! Jay!" I shouted into the phone loudly, "Jay!"

No response.

What was happening to them? And I wasn't mistaken, he mentioned T.O.P's name as well.

"Whats going  on?!" Amber shouted, Kevin, Suho, and Luhan followed behind.

"I just got a call from Jay Park, I think their team is in danger...."

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