Chapter Eighteen

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"I-I dont know..I just woke up to Dara's scream.." Chanyeol began, giving Dara a sorrowful look.


We all followed her into the living room silenty.

"Ok is everyone here?" CL asked, "Good, first Dara tell us what happened, what were you doing there in the first place?"

"I-I woke up to use the bathroom" Dara answered. She sat on the couch, her knees hugging her chest, and her eyes brimmed with tears.  "Then i heard a noise.."

"What kind of noise?" CL gently urged her to go on.

"Like footsteps and then..choking" Dara whispered, "I decided to walk to the area where I heard the sound and then I found that man..h-he was dying." She inhaled sharply before going on, "He said something to me before he died"

"What did he say?"

"He said.." Dara hesitated before continuing, "He said "Run before its too late'"

"Run?" CL repeated, "Run from what?" She sighed and then closed her eyes, "OK im just really hoping that no one from our team did this, please tell me that no one else was up"

"Upstairs, everyone but Dara was there" Amber noted.

"And when I woke up, I noticed that all the guys were around" Niel added.

"I honestly dont think any of you guys did this..but that means whoever killed this man was in this house"

"But who? And why?" Sehun asked, gripping onto Suho's arm.

"Thats what we have to figure out..We need to go back to observe the body, see if we missed any clues" CL concluded in a grave tone. She stood up from her seat and nodded at Suho.

"Ill come with you" Suho spoke, "How about the rest of you guys pack up your stuff and get yourselves cleaned"



There was a deep gooey gash on his neck, bloody and still spilling out blood. The man's eyes were blank and glossy now that its been about 30 minutes since hes died. 

I inhaled and exhaled through my mouth. It was indeed a gruesome scene, and I've never experienced something like this in my whole entire life. How I managed not to pass out or throw up yet, I do not know. 

It was strange, only yesterday this man had been alive, talking and breathing and just living. And now here he lies, dead, murdered by someone.

Murdered while we were still in the cabin with him, how come the murderer did not harm us? Why was this man targetted? Did he know the murderer? Is the murderer someone we know?

"CLssi" Suho gently placed his hand on my shoulder, "You ok?"

I nodded and smiled, "I'll be fine, and thanks for doing this with me, I could'nt imagine anyone else"

He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Ah~It wouldn't be fair to just let you go in alone, you've already done so much for us anyways"

"Aigoo.." I giggled and blushed. Omo! Why was I blushing!?

"Ahem!" Suho awkwardly cleared his throat, "Ah-you know I didnt even know there was an office when I searched the cabin earlier.."

"Neither did I, I thought it was a closet of something, but strangey it was locked.."

"Lets start searching for clues then.." I handed Suho a pair of gloves I brought with me and we began to rummage around his desk and a bookshelf, which were the only furniture in the small office.

During our search we found vague papers on humans being experimented on, just like what the man had spoke about before. There were also images of scary creatures and small descriptions written about them.

"This is strange" Suho admitted, "Are these creatures really real?"

"I hope not" I mumbled, "Oppa..look!" I pointed towards the dead mans jeans, where I noticed a wallet in the pocket.

We approached the man and gingerly took the wallet out of the pocket. When we noticed what was inside we gasped.

"This..." Suho began.

"OMG!" I croaked. There in the wallet we had found a satellite image of  the woods, and circled in red was a clearing where a group of people were walking.

It was us.

There were also messy notes on the photo written in red marker, such as "caution" and "affected area"

On the other side of the clearing were a group of 5 guys running away from something, it looked like a large beast. The 5 guys were most likely the bus driver, Jay Park, Leeteuk, Siwon and Kim Hyun Joong.

"Suho.." I whispered, gribbing tightly to his arm. 

Suho stared at me for a couple of seconds before suddenly embracing me.

I was shocked, but I was even more shocked of what was in the photo. I wrapped my arms around Suho's back and burried my face into his chest.

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