Flash Your Diamonds

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"You'll love them," Mary Grace's friend Thomas said trying to convince her over the phone that she would love this new band that he discovered.
"I really don't wan' ta go out tonight," Mary Grace said as she played with the chord of her phone.
Thomas fancied himself an amateur talent agent. He genuinely thought he had a talent for finding talented people. Of course he wasn't actually as good as he thought. The last performer he dragged Mary Grace to was a saxophonist that couldn't play very well. She had to sit through a whole hour of horrible squawking coming from the poor instrument. Naturally Mary Grace no longer trusted him.
"Come on, they're like the Beatles; you like the Beatles," Thomas pleaded.
"I don't have time," Mary Grace said.
"Please, this'll be the last time I ask you to one of these things," Thomas said.
Mary Grace thought about his proposal for a minute. If she said yes she'd never have to sit through another gig for a man squeezing an accordion to death or go to another garage band gig that never bothered to learn how to play their instruments.
"The very las' time?"
"Yes, I promise," Thomas said.
"Alright, but they better be as good as you think they are," Mary Grace said.
"Oh they are. I'll pick you up at three," Thomas said.
Mary Grace looked down at her watch. It was two thirty. "Hey, I've only got thirty minutes ta get ready!" She exclaimed.
"Sorry about that, but they play at four," Thomas said.
"Then pick me up at three thirty," Mary Grace exclaimed annoyed.
"I want you to meet them," Thomas said.
"Fine," Mary Grace resigned angrily.
"You'll like them," Thomas reiterated.
"I better," Mary Grace grumbled as she hung up the phone.
Mary Grace really didn't like Thomas very much, but he was the only person from Tennessee she met since she came to California. He was from a different part of Tennessee and lived in California ten years more than Mary Grace, but someone from Tennessee was better than no one from Tennessee. At least she had someone to talk about home with when she got homesick.
Mary Grace changed quickly. She really didn't have much time for anything else but to brush her hair and put it up and put on a layer of makeup to make herself look presentable. Then she had to wait. A shower would take too long.
Somebody honked their car horn. Mary Grace looked out the window. Thomas was sitting in his convertible car waving up at her. She grabbed her purse and sprinted down the stairs. He must be running late.
Mary Grace opened the door to Thomas's convertible. Thomas was an odd duck. Light blue eyes, Sandy hair, but unattractive. It was something about his lips, his nose, and a scar across his face that turned women from him. Wasn't to his bother either. He couldn't care that women didn't like him because he never seemed interested.
The car squealed to a stop, and Thomas hurried Mary Grace out of the car. They rushed into this small restaurant that was at that time empty. Thomas pulled Mary Grace along to the stage where three young men were sitting quietly waiting for when they would be allowed to play. "No one's gonna show up," A taller blonde headed man said.
"Don't be that way, Peter," Thomas said.
The blonde man, Peter, looked at Thomas. "Oh, hi," Peter said smiling. He, in a way, look like he was only a kid.
"This is Mary Grace," Thomas said gesturing to the three guys.
The shortest one stood up and held out his hand. "My name's Davy Jones," He said smiling widely. He had very straight, white teeth.
"Nice ta meet you," Mary Grace said shaking his hand.
"You know your name is the strangest coincidence..." Davy started to say, but a curly headed boy cut him off.
"My name's Micky Dolenz," He said sticking his hand past Davy.
Mary Grace took his hand and shook it. "It's very nice ta meet you," She said.
Peter smiled at her, but didn't make a move to put his hand towards her. "My name's Peter Tork," He said smiling.
Mary Grace smiled back him. "That's a real nice name," She said.
Peter beamed.
Thomas looked around. "Where's Mike?" He asked.
"I think he went to the bathroom," Peter said. "He should be back soon."
Just as the words came from Peter's mouth a tall man walked into the room on the top of his head was a very funny hat. Mary Grace's eyes widened. "It's you!" She exclaimed pointing at Mike.
Mike's eyes also widened though only for a second then he smiled. "It must be fate," He said. "We don't see each other for a week then we meet up here."
Davy pointed at Micky. "I thought it was funny that she had the same name as that girl that Mike was rambling on about!" He exclaimed.
Mike blushed slightly for only a moment. "I wasn't ramblin'," He said slowly.
Mary Grace smiled. "So ya talked about me," She said.
Mike looked away for a moment pretending not to hear Mary Grace. She smiled a little bit wider. Did she make that good of an impression?
"Hey, you boys need to get on that stage! I'm not paying you to stand around!" A larger man said from behind the counter.
Mike, Peter, Davy, and Micky got on the stage. They moved around a bit to get everything in the way they wanted then they started to play. Micky glanced over at Mike and smiled. He had this mischievous look on his face. He looked over at Davy and winked. Davy seemed to understand what was going on, and they started to play something together. Mike started to play guitar to the song, though he didn't look too happy about it.

"Mary, Mary, where you goin' to?
Mary, Mary, can I go too?
This one thing I will vow ya
I'd rather die than to live without ya
Mary, Mary, where you goin' to?

Mary, Mary, tell me truly
What did I do to make you leave me?
Whatever it was I didn't mean to
You know I never would try and hurt ya
Mary, Mary, where you goin' to?

What more, Mary, can I do
To prove my love is truly yours?
I've done more now than a clear-thinkin' man would do

Mary, Mary, it's not over
Where you go, I will follow
Till I win your love again
And walk beside you
But until then
Mary, Mary, where you goin' to?

Mary, Mary, where you goin' to?
Mary, where you goin' to?
Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, where you goin' to?"

Micky sang through the song winking at Mary Grace near the end. Mike looked thoroughly pissed off for whatever reason. He grabbed Micky's shoulder and took him to the side for a moment before they got back onto the stage and finished their set.
Mary Grace liked the first song. She really liked it. She hung back to tell the four boys how good they did. She waited potentially with Thomas.

(Shout out at all the people reading this. Leave a comment so I can confess my love to ya'll personally. Also if you have any questions for me I'll answer them.)

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