Rocky Road Blues

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Thomas drove Mary Grace and Buck to a small café. Mary Grace was tired from a sleepless night, but Buck didn't show any signs of the night before. His brown eyes absorbed everything of California. It was like paradise to him after Vietnam.
Thomas stopped the car at the café and got out. Buck got out quickly and helped Mary Grace out of the car like a gentleman. She smiled at him nervously as he took her hand to lead her to the café.
As Mary Grace enter the café her eyes met Mike's. He was sitting on a stool with his twelve string guitar hanging off of him. He was wearing a loose white collared shirt and a blue tie. He had on some odd sunglasses, and he wasn't wearing his wool hat. He looked away and started to tune his guitar.
Buck led Mary Grace to a booth. Thomas went to talk to the Monkees. Thomas joined joined Mary Grace and Buck in the booth after a quick chat with the Monkees.
Mike stood up off of the stool and got closer to the microphone. The café was packed with people wanting to hear the Monkees play.
"I'd like to thank everyone for coming out tonight. It's people like you that help us keep going," Mike said.
Micky did a drum roll for no reason at all.
"We're gonna start out our set with a little song called Pleasant Valley Sunday," Micky said smiling.

"The local rock group down the street
Is trying hard to learn their song
Seranade the weekend squire, who just came out to mow his lawn

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Charcoal burning everywhere
Rows of houses that are all the same
And no one seems to care

See Mrs. Gray she's proud today because her roses are in bloom
Mr. Green he's so serene, He's got a t.v. in every room

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Here in status symbol land
Mothers complain about how hard life is
And the kids just don't understand

Creature comfort goals
They only numb my soul and make it hard for me to see
My thoughts all seem to stray, to places far away
I need a change of scenery

Ta Ta Ta...

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Charcoal burning everywhere
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Here in status symbol land

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday..."

Mike took a hold of his microphone. "Lately we've been doing a song by The Hollies called Rain on the Windows because it fit really well with a situation I was in," Mike said. "So I guess we're gonna do it and dedicate it to a special young lady in the audience that knows who she is."
Mike's eyes stopped on Mary Grace for a moment. Buck looked over at Mary Grace with a puzzled look on his face. She frowned and stood up and headed out the door of the café. Buck didn't move from the booth.
Micky dropped his drum sticks before Mike could start singing. He glared at Mike angrily. Micky stood up and walked away from his drum kit. Buck finally stood up and walked out the door of the café.
Mary Grace was in Thomas's car crying. Buck got in and sat with her. "So... you an' him..." He started to say. He looked tired like everything he'd seen caught up with him.
Mary Grace looked at him. Her eyes were tear stained. She opened and closed her mouth. No sound came out.
"It's alright you don't need to tell me," Buck said. "I could tell by the way he looked at you. You left him for me."
Mary Grace nodded her head slowly.
"Why?" Buck asked.
Mary Grace stared at Buck. "Because I love you," She said slowly.
"If you loved me you wouldn't have needed him," Buck said.
Mary Grace stared at Buck. His words hurt. They cut her like a knife. "Buck, I have needs too," She said slowly. She was trying to make him understand what happened to her. She wanted him to understand why it happened.
Buck looked at her straight in the eyes. "I waited for you," He said. "I waited two years for you."
Mary Grace reached out to touch Buck, but he hit her hand away. She felt warm tears roll down her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I didn't plan for it to happen, but after it happened I just couldn't stop. An' I hated myself for what happened," She said.
Buck shook his head. "How long ago was this?" He asked.
"It started a few months ago an' I ended it a month ago when you wrote to tell me you were coming home," Mary Grace said slowly.
Buck grit his teeth. "If it had been longer would you have stayed with him?" He asked slowly.
"No, I love you Buck," Mary Grace pleaded.
Buck shook his head. "I don't know anymore," He said.
Mary Grace's eyes widened. She wiped her tears then touched Buck's face gently. "I love you, an' if I have to I'll wait until you trust me again," She said.
Buck shook his head slowly. "I... I want to believe you," He said, "but after that... I wish you had told me."
"I didn't want you to know because I knew it would hurt you. I didn't plan on ever seeing Mike again, but when you said you wanted to see the Monkees perform..." Mary Grace started to ramble.
Thomas walked out of the café. He looked mad as he got into the driver's seat. He started the car and drove it back to Mary Grace's apartment. He parked and turned back to Mary Grace. "I'm sorry that Mike did that. I didn't think he'd sink that low," Thomas said. "I never thought he'd sink that low..."
"Neither did I..." Mary Grace said slowly.

(As you can probably tell this story is drawing to an end. There will probably only be two or three more chapters. I've gotten to a point that I really love this story, but even I know it has to end soon. I can feel the ending which is something I very rarely experience. I'll be starting a Hollies' fanfiction called Pegasus next which you're invited to read. Through a Key Hole is still in production despite its lack of updates. So enjoy these last few updates. I hope you like them.)

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