Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain

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Mary Grace fell out her chair, and her hands went straight to her mouth. Her eyes were wide as she stared up at Mike. He looked as surprised as she did. His mouth opened and shut as if he was trying to say something, but nothing seemed to come out of his lips.
Mary Grace's face began to turn red. She wasn't quite sure if it was from embarrassment or anger. Mike's face also began to turn red.
"I'm sorry," Mike said quickly. His eyes were wide like he never expect that to happen.
"You need to leave," Mary Grace managed to say.
Mike stood up and turned to the door. He walked until he could touch the doorknob then he turned back towards Mary Grace. "Do you really want me to leave?" He asked.
Mary Grace opened her mouth to say yes, but she couldn't. She didn't want him to leave. Everything about this whole situation seemed so wrong except for Mike. He was right.
"No, I don't, but I don't want you to stay," Mary Grace said. "I jus'... I jus'..."
"You just what?" Mike asked. His brow furrowed.
Mary Grace breath caught. "I jus' don't know," She said covering her eyes.
"Buck will never know," Mike said quietly. He was slowly drawing nearer and nearer to her.
Mary Grace stared at Mike. It was so wrong. It was against everything Mary Grace told herself her entire life. She was supposed to save herself for Buck. She was supposed to only be for Buck. She was supposed to only love Buck.
But Mike...
There was just something about him. Something addictive. Something fateful.
Mike was so near to her. His hand brushed her cheek, and he leaned forward. Their lips brushed for a moment. There was something there. Something that felt right; it scared Mary Grace.
Mary Grace didn't know what she should say. She loved Buck. She had a future with Buck.
"No, I can't. I jus' can't!" Mary Grace sobbed.
Mike stood up, and he left. Mary Grace was alone. She hurt. She looked down at the letter she started to write to Buck. She felt tears that pooled into her eyes. She picked up her letter and tore it up. She threw the small pieces as far away from her as she could then put her head down on her desk and cried. Her shoulders shook and her voice wept, but she just didn't have any tears left to cry.
Soon Mary Grace fell asleep crying. Her mind was muddled with her woes and as she dreamed her mind conjured up images of terrifying things. Mike dead on the ground, Buck shooting Mike. Everything horrible her mind could create. She woke up after hours of restless sleep alone.
It was early in the morning so Mary Grace decided to finish writing Buck then send him the letter. The horrible images of her dreams still haunted her as she put down her pencil to paper.

Dear Buck,

I love you. Don't fear for anything because I love you. God will protect you, and you'll come home very soon. I promise you that you will come home alive. I trust in God and so should you. That's all that can get us through this troubled time.
Those men you saw die. They're in a better place. Anywhere is better than that hell called Vietnam. Just wait and you will be delivered from the shadow of death. It will be soon now, I have faith and so should you.

With tremendous love,

Mary Grace Knox

Mary Grace stared at the letter she just wrote. She hated every word. They were fake. She gave up her faith long before Buck did. How could anyone believe in a God when everything was being destroyed?
Mary Grace put her letter into an envelope and sealed it. Her heart ached. She didn't tell Buck. She couldn't tell Buck.
Mary Grace looked out her window. The sun was just rising and children were walking out of their houses to get to the bus stop for school. She felt a pain in her chest as she saw a couple of teenagers walking very close and holding eachother close. That was her and Buck only three years ago. That was when they started to plan their life out together. That was before Buck was drafted.
Mary Grace stood up and headed to the bus stop. She raised her head to mask herself in a false sense of pride. She felt disgusting. The grossest thing to exist on the planet. She was worth nothing.
Mary Grace stood at the bus stop until the bus came then she got on the bus and waited for it to reach the post office.
Mary Grace got off of the bus at the post office. She walked quietly to the mailbox. The world seemed still. Mary Grace dropped the letter into the mailbox just as a raindrop hit her nose. She looked up at the sky as it began to rain. She began to cry with the rain. Tears slid down her cheeks, and they mixed with the raindrops. An umbrella was shoved over head, and she looked over. Mike was standing there. He smiled at her.
"Please share my umbrella?" He said quietly.
Mary Grace began to cry twice as hard, but she couldn't bring herself to refuse Mike. She couldn't stay away from him, and it hurt her. It hurt her a lot.

(Okay, at all of ya'll that have voted and been so sweet with your comments and stuff. I really love ya'll it makes me so happy to see you guys voting and commenting on my story. It's just so great.

I love ya'll!)

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I love ya'll!)

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