Devil's Train

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Mary Grace walked up to the band after they finished playing. Micky was smiling smugly at Mike. Thomas was smiling too but not smugly. Thomas was genuinely happy. This was the first time he actually found a good band.
Micky and Davy walked off the stage. The other two were putting up their instruments.
Micky smiled and stood by Mary Grace. "Isn't that song great? Mike wrote the lyrics too it about a week ago, but they were too close to Bus Stop so we had to rewrite them," He said.
"What were they before?" Mary Grace asked.
"Something about meeting a girl named Mary at a bus stop then falling in love," Micky said, "We could only use the chorus."
"It was a good chorus," Mary Grace said smiling.
Mike stepped off the stage. He saw Micky and Mary Grace talking. He walked over to Micky. "'Scuse me, I gotta talk to Mary Grace," Mike said looking at Mary Grace for a moment.
Mary Grace walked off with Mike. He looked at her straight in the eyes. "Don't listen to Micky. He rambles on a lot," Mike said. "What'd he say?"
"He was just talking about how you wrote that song," Mary Grace said.
Mike blushed for a moment. "Oh, yeah, about that. That must seem creepy I reckon," He said.
Mary Grace smiled. "I think the song was nice," She said.
Mike stared at her. He smiled. "So it didn't freak ya out or anything?" He asked.
Mary Grace shook her head. She wasn't sure what he was driving at, but for some reason he was very worried such a happy, lovely song would freak her out. She really genuinely enjoyed the song. It was so good, especially with Micky singing it. The other songs were also good. She loved them.
"Ya know, I'm really glad that Thomas brought me out here," Mary Grace said smiling.
Mike smiled as well. "I am too," He said. "It's nice to have a fan; you're our only one."
Mary Grace smiled. "I'll be the president of your fan club, an' I'll bet ya'll will get more like me in jus' a few weeks," She said.
"Maybe," Mike said. He smiled again like something Mary Grace said made him really happy.
Mary Grace didn't really get why he was so happy by talking to her, but she was glad for what ever reason he was pleased. Thomas was singing the boys' praise when Mary Grace looked back over at them. He saw Mary Grace was done talking with Mike. He took her arm and dragged her back towards the other boys. "Didn't I tell you they were good?" Thomas said. "They're so good aren't they?"
Mary Grace smiled and nodded.
"The Monkees will be the next big band. You'll see their names everywhere. They'll be bigger than the Four Seasons!" Thomas exclaimed excitedly.
Mary Grace giggled. "I don't know about that," She said.
Thomas shook his hands wildly. "I have hope for them," He said.
Micky smiled widely. "That's one person," He said laughing at his own words.
Peter looked over at Mary Grace. "Do you think we'll make anything of ourselves?" He asked.
Mary Grace smiled. "I bet ya will," She said.
Peter smiled. He looked over at Mike. "I like her," He said.
Mike laughed. "That's nice to know Peter," He said.
Mary Grace smiled at Peter. He smiled back in a sweet innocent way.
"Let's go out for something, burgers? Burgers? Who's up for burgers?" Thomas asked.
Davy, Mike, Micky, and Peter didn't have any qualms with burgers. So Thomas, them, and Mary Grace walked to a burger joint passing the boys' car. Mary Grace was surprised at how odd it looked. The boys put their instruments into the car and put up the rag top.
As the group continued to the nearby burger joint Mike draped his arm over Mary Grace's shoulders. Her eyes widened. Thomas looked over and saw how uncomfortable Mary Grace looked.
"How's Buck doing?" Thomas asked.
"He's alive. In our last letter he mentioned something about how many dogs we'd get when we got married," Mary Grace said glancing at Mike.
Mike's face fell. He took his arm off of Mary Grace. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I just..." Mike tried to explain.
Mary Grace looked away. "It's fine. I never said anything sooo..." She said slowly trailing off. Her cheeks were burning and for a moment she felt mad at Thomas.
Then herself.
Mary Grace enjoyed it. She like how Mike's arm felt on her. That was how she felt with Buck.
Buck, her fiancé.
Mary Grace looked everywhere but at Mike. She felt so guilty. She wanted to get home and straight away write to Buck and confess everything, but she also never wanted him to know that she ever thought of another man.
Mary Grace looked at her watch. It was five. "Thomas, I've gotta run," She said lying to get away.
Thomas looked like he understood. "Well, bye," He said. "Do you want me to drive you home?"
"No, that's okay..."
"I can drive her home," Micky chirped up.
Mike stared for a moment as if he was doubting Micky's ability to drive. Micky grinned. He held his hand out to Mike, and Mike dropped the keys into Micky's hand.
"That'll be fine," Mary Grace said glancing at Micky.
They walked back to the boys' car. He climbed into the driver's side, and she took shotgun. Micky started the car.
"So, which way do we go?" Micky asked.
"Jus' turn here," Mary Grace said pointing to the right. The car approached her apartment building, and Micky parked it. They both got out.
"Thanks for driving me home," Mary Grace said.
"Hey, no problem. Just remember, Mike's a great guy," Micky said walking back to the car.
Mary Grace frowned. "The problem isn't that he isn't a great guy, but Buck's a great guy too. Mike's problem is he is a great guy," She said.
Micky turned back around. "Where's Buck right now?" He asked. "He can't be willfully away from somebody as beautiful as you."
"He's in Vietnam," Mary Grace said. "He got drafted a couple of years ago."
Micky frowned. "Wait until he comes home before you do anything. He needs you more than Mike," He said.
Mary Grace nodded her head. She understood what Micky was saying. She felt that way too, but it was hard to wait so long.
Waiting was so hard.
Micky waved and got back into the car and drove off leaving Mary Grace alone.

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