Blues Stay Away From Me

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Mary Grace stared at the new letter in her hands. She should be happy, but she couldn't find it in herself to be happy. Buck was coming home. He didn't paint the picture any happier than Mary Grace felt it to be. There was too much pain in that damned letter.
It was very matter of fact. Buck got shot. His leg would not heal so he couldn't go back to the fighting. No 'I miss you's, no 'can't wait to see you's, just a simple note.
"Dear Mary Grace, I was shot. My leg is too hurt for me to go back to the fighting. I'm coming home," Mary Grace read out loud trying to make sense of the letter.
Mike stared at her. "He's coming back?" He asked quietly.
Mary Grace felt tears forming in her eyes. She nodded slowly. Mike grabbed his pants from the top of the covers and put them on. He slid off the bed and walked towards her.
"It'll be fine," Mike said hugging her softly. She cried gently onto his shoulder.
"I'm disgusting," Mary Grace sobbed onto Mike's shoulder.
"It's okay; he'll understand," Mike said.
"I can't tell him. He can't know," Mary Grace said pushing herself away from Mike.
"You can't leave him without giving him a reason," Mike said.
Mary Grace's brow furrowed. "Leave him?" She said slowly. It was an idea that even now hadn't occurred to her. She loved Buck. She always loved Buck.
"I'm not playing second fiddle to him," Mike said. He stared at her like she was crazy.
Mary Grace's lips parted for a moment. "Who ever said you would be playing fiddle at all?" She asked. The words came out harsher than she intended.
Mike stared at her. "I thought..." He started to say.
"I love Buck. I've been planning on marrying him since we were in high school," Mary Grace said.
"I'm just a fling then?" Mike said slowly. His face turned slightly red as the weight of her words hit him. "I'm nothing to you?"
Mary Grace stared at him. She didn't know what to say. What was Mike to her? She loved him, but... "I love Buck more than you," She said slowly.
Mike clamped his jaw down. His face was very red. He looked like he wanted to shout at her or hit her. Mary Grace took a step away from him. She was afraid of what he might do.
Mike grabbed his shirt off of the bed and put it on. He walked past Mary Grace and put on his boots. He turned around to look at her. He looked down at her coldly. His face was no longer red.
"I reckon I know what I am to you," Mike said. He sounded mad, but his voice was soft in a terrifying whisper.
Mike threw open the door to Mary Grace's apartment then slammed it behind him. She stared unable to speak then she sunk down to her knees and cried.


Mary Grace sat at the airport waiting for Buck's flight to get there. She was in a long, blue pencil skirt and a white collared shirt. Her hair was combed back and held there by a black headband. She was waiting for her sweet soldier to come home.
The call for Buck's flight was announced, and Mary Grace went to terminal. She stood silently and tried to stand taller so that she could see over the crowd of people. She couldn't so she just waited behind them with a knot in her stomach. The crowd parted to let a few people through. It felt like years as people passed Mary Grace.
Then she caught a glimpse of a familiar face. Soft brown eyes, short brown hair. There was a click with every step as the young man made his way towards Mary Grace slowly. His crutches propelled him forward. They didn't move him fast enough so he dropped them and started to hobble towards her on his cast.
Mary Grace ran towards him her arm outstretched. Buck's chest hit her hard as he grabbed her into his arms and buried his face into her shoulder. He began to cry onto her shoulder.
"Mary, Mary, Mary," He sobbed repeating her name as if we're foreign to him.
"Buck," Mary Grace said softly.
Buck stopped hugging her. His face was swollen by tears. He touched her hand softly feeling it for the first time in two years. He drew her hand to his lips and caressed it softly with his lips. Mary Grace's eyes closed as she enjoyed the first moments of Buck's return. As her eyes were closed Buck gently leaned down to kiss her. For a moment she forgot it was Buck she was kissing, and when she opened her eyes she half expected to see Mike standing in front of her.
Buck's eyes were red from crying. His hands cupped Mary Grace's face. "I love you," He said in a soft course voice.
Mary Grace drew herself nearer to him and rested her head on his chest. "I love you too," She said closing her eyes. Tears rolled down her cheeks.
Buck ran his fingers through Mary Grace's hair. She finally separated herself from him, and they walked together to Thomas's car. Thomas was waiting patiently for Buck and Mary Grace.
Buck looked at Mary Grace nervously as he got into the backseat of Thomas's car after her. She smiled at him as to show him it was all fine. Thomas, before starting the car, turned back to Mary Grace and Buck. He smiled. "It's nice to meet you Buck," Thomas said. "I guess I'll just be driving you two back to Mary's apartment."
Mary Grace nodded. She slowly ran her fingers over Buck's short hair. She smiled as it tickled her hand. Buck smiled at her.
"So Buck, do you like the Beatles?" Thomas asked.
"I haven't heard a song by them in ages, but from what I remember yeah," Buck replied.
"So I know this band, they're sorta in a Beatles style. You want to go watch them tomorrow?" Thomas asked.
Mary Grace stared at Thomas. "You promised never again," She said quietly.
"I'm just being friendly to Buck," Thomas insisted. His eyes drifted to her lazily through the rear view mirror then they snapped back to the road.
"I'm haven't been ta live concert in so long... Do they do country?" Buck asked.
"One of them does this kinda country/rock and roll fusion," Thomas said.
"Like rockabilly?" Buck asked smiling.
Thomas laughed. "Yeah, sorta, 'cept he's no Elvis," He replied.
Buck looked at Mary Grace. "This sound like a lota fun," He said.
Mary Grace's brow furrowed and she looked away from Buck at the traffic beside them. "Yeah, fun..." She said slowly.

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