Chapter 2.

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Keeva stood looking in a mirror. It was inside her closet door, her room was quite big. It was bigger than her room back home. Looking into her empty closet, she sighed before looking at herself again. Keeva had long black hair with bangs. She needed it cut again actually, she was never the skinny pretty girl at school. She was average size, and small in height.

Her loose flannel hung on her and she was in leggings with converse on. Traveling clothes, were and had to always be comfy. Especially such long traveling.

Keeva fixed her cases into her closet to put out later, turning she closed her closet doors and looked around her new empty room. The walls were white, her carpet was a light brown colour and her white furniture from home was already delivered so it wasn't too bad. The new closet however was new, back home she had a wall rack where she hung her clothes with a curtain in front of it. Sighing, she rubbed her face lightly.

Looking towards her door, her mom walked past then stopped and smiled at her. "You fancy ordering something for dinner?" She mom asked as she walked into her room. "Yeah sure, I don't mind" Keeva smiled and nodded. "Yeah wait a few nights before we cook huh?" Her mom laughed a little. "To get settled in" Keeva nodded, as he yawned.

"I cant believe I'm at school tomorrow" Keeva shook her head. "I know honey was either tomorrow or the start of next term in February! You'll be graduating only a few months from then" Her mom told her.

"I know, just...nerves now" She told her mom. "Don't be nervous. You'll be fine!" Her mom reassured her rubbing her hands up and down Keeva's arms. "Right uh...I think your better sorting out clothes and those type of things. Then school things" Her mom nodded. "I don't have any school things" Keeva smiled. "Right, yeah I mean...your new folders and bag." Her mom nodded and hugged her.

"I'll look in the phone book for food" Her mom then chuckled, as she left her grip and walked to the room door. "Its already seven..." Her mom then told her before leaving. Seven?! At night! Keeva looked out the window which showed the bright sun still shining out. Woah, it was still Saturday back home. A whole eleven hours ahead they now were from her dad.

Sliding her shoes off she sighed, before kneeling down and opening her cases. What could she wear to school? Luckily her mom actually managed enrolled her into a school where it doesn't require a uniform. That was cool, in a way. Back home didn't have a uniform either but it was strict with what you could wear. Was it the same for this new school? She didn't have to worry, she never wore skirts wrapped around her thighs.

Emptying her case, she looked at the most colour of her clothes. Black. She liked black because she suited it well. It hid her curves too. The only colours she had, or wore were mostly in her flannels or pyjamas. Taking out a shirt, she smiled as she nodded. "That'll do" She told herself as she set it aside. Taking a pair of her jeans out too, she threw them aside.

Black jeans and a The 1975 shirt. Her favorite of many bands.

"Keevie?!" Her mom called. "Yeah?!" She called back. "Ordered some food, come on down. It'll be here soon!" Her mom shouted. "Okay!" She sighed, and got up. Looking around her room, she sighed before leaving and heading downstairs.



Keeva walked out her bathroom, and sighed as she headed into her room. Taking out her earrings, she put them down on her dresser before brushing her hair. She looked around as she began to hear music. Frowning a little, she wondered where it was coming from. Putting her hair into a low ponytail, she then heard a voice as well as a beat.

Turning, she looked around her room. Walking over to her bed, she grabbed her phone as she checked it she sat down. Sighing, as she looked up again around her lamp lit room. The deep voice stopped singing as the beat continued. Yawning, she slid into bed and lay down. The deep voice starting singing again and she could feel her room pulsing with the beat of the muffled music and voice.

Where the heck was it coming from? Did her mom hear this?

To Mom ; Can you hear that music? xxx

Mom ; Faintly. Must be next door...try and sleep xxx

To mom ; Try haha okay. Next door? Why are they playing music at this time?! xxx

Mom ; Don't know. Try and get some sleep for school :) xxx

Keeva sighed as she put her phone down. Great, first day at a new school in a new country tomorrow and she couldn't even get to sleep with stupid neighbours playing music!

Putting another pillow behind her head, she then turned and put her lamp off before lying back down. Closing her eyes, she sighed as another voice started singing. This voice was different, it was slightly higher than the first voice. Who was singing? Was this a band this person was playing? They sounded good anyway.

Keeva found herself lying down, with her eyes open and listening to the voice singing. Smiling, she turned on her side and sighed. This was more than one person singing, it must be a band. Who were they? She had to ask her neighbour who they were, because they sounded cool.

Closing her eyes, she tried to get some sleep for school. It was a new environment, she had to be awake for it.

The Voice Next Door. ( A L.H fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now