Chapter 66.

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Saturday noon.

If you think Keeva is stupid enough to sleep with someone, she'd just met two and a half months ago then you'd be right.

She sat, thinking back to last night about the stupid decision she made. She felt stupid, foolish and downright dirty.

When in movies people say ' it just happened ' it sorta does. One minute they were kissing, and the next...they were having sex. It wasnt the passionate, sensational thing that happens in the movies either. It was kinda awkward, yet kinda nice.

It was odd, and she was nervous but she couldnt believe what she'd done. She's never walked home so fast in her life!

Sitting in her room, on her bed she stared at her folders from school trying to avoid going downstairs where her mom was. She'd ask questions about formal, and she was scared in case she blurted it out to her. All the worry started flowing through her head. Oh no, what if she was pregnant? She was stupid enough to actually do it without anything.

How did they go from a little bicker to a full on sex scene?!

She covered her head with a cushion before her mom's voice distracted her. "Keeva?!" She called, as she walked up the stairs. Shit! "Yeah?" Keeva called back and her mom walked into the room with a laundry basket. "Hello honey" She smiled widely. "Hi..." Keeva stared at her, like a paranoid animal.

"You okay...?" Her mom asked as she looked at her daughter, in a large shirt and leggings. "Mhmm...." Keeva nodded, as she put some hair behind her ear. "How was the dance last night?" She smiled, folding some clothes. Keeva swallowed. "Yeah, it was good." She nodded. "Good, i'm glad!" She told her.

Sighing, Keeva looked at the folders then to her mom. Back at her work, then to her mom again. "Mom...?" She asked. "Hm?" She smiled, continuing to fold clothes. "We're having, discussion thing in health class..." She began.

This was was to be a long shot!

"Yeah...?" Her mom nodded. "Well, this saying that you cant get pregnant, the first time you uh..." She told her.

"You can fall pregnant whether its someones first or 50th time" Her mom told her. "Oh yeah, I know that. I'm not stupid..." Keeva chuckled nervously. "What I mean is...what if the guy...pulled..." She began to widen her eyes. "Oh. Oh, that depends. Its not rocket science honey, you know how you get...impregnated but I guess if there wasnt any contact during that, then no." Her mom shook her head.

Sighing with relief, quietly Keeva grinned. "Yeah...thought that." She nodded. "Then again, not using protection has consequences too. Possible pregnancy, STIs, problems and complications..." "What?!" Keeva gasped as she stared at her mom. "Well if its a stranger..." Her mom nodded. "Oh yeah...I know that." Keeva suddenly began to panic.

"Is there any aftermath things that happens after?" Keeva then asked. "Hm, could be a little uncomfortable, blood spotting..." Her mom told her, and Keeva nodded as she already knew this from this morning when she got dressed. "How would you know if you had a disease?" Keeva asked. "Honey..." Her mom began, a little embarrassed. "Sorry! I'll look it up" She shook her head.

"No, google may be helpful but never use it as a diagnosis" Her mom sighed. "Read a book, check a clinic...get a leaflet" Her mom smiled. "What about the morning after pill?" She asked. "What about it?" Her mom looked at her. "Well girls can get that right, the next day" She nodded.

"Well yeah, if the girl is really concerned with it" Her mom told her. Keeva smiled. "All she would do is drop in or call up the clinic and go on in. It'll be a safe environment" Her mom told her. Keeva nodded. "Yeah...I get that" She told her mom, as her mom finished folding clothes. "Hm well...maybe they should tell you more about this topic..." Her mom laughed quietly.

"Do you want some lunch before I head out?" She asked. "No, thanks...I'll get it soon" Keeva nodded. "Okay, we'll I'll be leaving soon." Her mom smiled, before walking out her room, with the laundry basket.

Well, being a paranoid person and a hypercondriac her mind was now filled with ideas and bad things. Taking a deep breath and swallowing, she didnt know what to do. Should she call a doctor? Ask for a pill? Ask for a freakin' STI test?! Falling back onto her bed, she looked around her room. This was bad. Really bad. Luke had text her that morning but she didnt read it, she was scared. She felt like she couldnt talk to him.

What if Will was right? But she was just as bad last night.



Keeva's mom had left for work, an hour before hand. Keeva had gotten dressed more nicely into jeggings and a shirt. She had a shower, and she nearly cried with happiness when she caught on she'd actually got her time of the month frenemy.

"Ahh, yes! Oh my gosh!" She pranced around her room, as she finished putting some mascara on. She wasnt with child! It wouldnt even be a child. "Hmmm..." She looked around her room, looking for her phone. Seeing it behind her mirror on her desk, she walked over and picked it up to hear the door go.

Yawning a little, she walked out her room and jogged down the stairs. Opening the door, she smiled then nearly dropped her phone as Luke stood.

Oh shit!

"Uhh....Hi..." She smiled a little. Luke stared at her, his hands in his pockets before he smiled. "Hey" He spoke. "Everything...okay?" She asked him. "I dont tell me" He chuckled weakly. Keeva rolled her lips together, as she stepped aside to let him in.

"My mom isnt here..." She told him closing the door. "Ah okay." He nodded, as he looked around. Keeva then headed down towards her kitchen, she took water from the fridge and gave one to him. "Thanks.." He smiled, as he took it. " didnt text, so I wanted to see if you were okay" Luke nodded.

"Im fine" She told him quickly. "Keeva, I gotta tell you..." He began. "Oh no...." Keeva turned away, and covered her face. "Do you have a disease?" She asked him. Luke looked at her as if she was crazy. "What?!" She screeched a little. "Is that whats up? Oh my....I cant..." She shook her head. "Keeva! Calm down...I'm...clean!" He told her, frowning yet he was starting to turn red.

"You are?!" Keeva gasped a little. "Yeah..." He nodded. "Oh thank you! Thank fuck" She suddenly felt like she could breath again. Looking at Luke, he was staring at her as if she was out of her mind. "I'm was, this is very new." She told him as she sighed. "Yeah." Luke nodded, as his face turned back to normal.

"So...whats up?" She asked him. "I wanted to see if you were okay" He told her smiling a little. "Im fine, Luke thank you. You okay?" She asked. "Yeah...I'm good" He told her. "Good..." Keeva repeated as she nodded. "That...I didnt plan that last night" He chuckled nervously. "No. I dont think either of us did. I sure didnt!" She cleared her throat.

" here to say sorry about it?" Keeva then asked, and to her surprise Luke shook his head. "No...I liked it..." He spoke a little embarrassed. Keeva couldn't help but giggle. "What?" Luke smiled. "I just..." She went into a giggling frenzy as she turned away from him. "Im sorry, I laugh when I'm nervous" She admitted to him.

She heard him chuckle. "Keeva, I know...that happened quickly. Than if even were to plan anything" He told her, and she nodded still turned away. "It was our first real date, and we slept together" She told quietly. "I am not that person, so I have no idea what came over me" She told him. "I mustve been fun for you right? I know your not a ..." She stopped talking.

"No." He told her softly. "I'm not, but...twice." He told her. "Okay..." Keeva shook her. "Your the second, Keeva." He then told her. "I dont want to say that, like that because your not a number. Your a person" He smiled as he nodded. Keeva took a breath and turned around to face him. "I know it wasnt...the best time but..." Luke stood up.

"Is this the part where you say, haha idiot fell for it and you run away?" Keeva smiled a little, as he walked over to her. A chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere" He told her, taking her hands. Keeva smiled up at him. "So all the people out there, calling me an asshole..can suck it!" He then grinned a little as Keeva laughed.

"No, my parents dont know. No, the guys dont know. Only me" He told her. "And its going to stay that way" He put his head down to hers. Keeva nodded, as she then sighed. Luke pressed his lips onto hers, kissing her.

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