Chapter 56.

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2 weeks later. November 18th. Wednesday.

Keeva and Dylan sat scoring some people off the list, that didnt make it into the talent show.

"I want to go home" Dylan complained, as she yawned. "I know, we still have like...half an hour" Keeva turned another page on a clipboard, and started scribbling out names.

"So...this is where you two have been!" A voice made then turn. Will came down the pathway towards where they sat in front of the stage with Nick, and two guys behind him. "Um, hiding out yeah" Dylan turned back to the papers.

"What you doing here?" Keeva smiled. "We..are in the show..." Will told them, as if they should already know. "You are!?" Dylan perked her head up. "Yeah." He nodded, looking back at forth to the girls. "How come you havent been here?" She asked, a little confused.

"Um...we have?" Nick smiled. "Friday's after school" Will then nodded. "Oh we havent been here on Fridays." Keeva told Dylan. "So why are you here today?" Dylan smiled at the boys. "We just wanted to practice more, try and win it this year" Will smiled.

"Ha, good luck with that mate!" A voice shouted from the stage, and they all looked to see Michael with a guitar slung around him, and eating something in his hand. Will turned back to the girls, with an irritated look on his face. "Please tell me, they arent here..." He sighed. "They are...nearly everyday" Dylan nodded as if she was tired of them too.

"They arent on a Friday" Nick told them. "They practice at...home" Keeva then spoke up, before looking down at her clipboard again. "Mmm!" Will whined complaining. "Have you guys not heard anyone else here?" Dylan asked him. "There's just two girls and a guy here on a Friday." Nick nodded.

Keeva and Dylan looked at each other. This was going to be fun.

"I can sense a feud." Dylan then nodded at Keeva. "Why?" Will asked. "No particular reason. Go set up" She then waved them off. As the four boys walked off, Dylan sighed. "It'll be good to hear something new. Hearing the same two songs from that lot with his douche voice making me go crazy" She made a face.

Keeva sighed as she turned away.

After a while, the girls jumped at drums started playing and they looked up at the stage, as the four boys including Will and Nick stood. Will started singing, and Keeva stared at him shocked. Turning to Dylan she seemed impressed too. "Holy shit" Keeva turned as she smiled. "Didnt know that to be honest" Dylan admitted giggling.

Once the song was over, Dylan and Keeva gave them a round of applause. "Were we that awesome?" Will mocked a little. "You were. Better than repeating same songs!" Dylan got her dig in about Luke. "Will you sing the show?" Keeva asked. "Hm, maybe" Will nodded. "Well good!" Keeva nodded.

"Yeah, you could win it" Dylan nodded. "Okay times up!" A voice told them, as Michael walked onto the stage. "Excuse me?" Nick turned to him. "Our time. Your time is up" Michael told them again. "Here we go..." Dylan tutted rolling her eyes. "You get at least three songs to practice! They had one" Dylan told him.

"Hey, I dont make up the times! Mrs Stevenson does" Michael smiled at her. Keeva sighed as she looked down at another clipboard to see the times of practice. He was right. Keeva tugged on Dylan's arm, making her look at it. Rolling her eyes, she then shrugged. "It says it right here Will" Dylan told him. "Its cool. We'll wait on you..." He smiled at Keeva.

Luke walked onto the stage, and gave Will a look at her nodded at Keeva. "See you guys in a bit" She told them, before Will and his friends left the stage. "Rude much?!" Dylan called up to Michael. "We all need time" Michael told her. Keeva tutted as she looked back down at her papers. "Do we need earplugs?" Dylan sighed. "They arent that bad" Keeva admitted to her. "I know. They just bug the fuck out of me" Dylan grinned as she swayed in the chair.

"One, two, three four..." Ashton hit sticks together, before they started up the music. "Oh you've got to be kidding me" Dylan turned to them. "What?" Keeva asked. "They sung this two years ago, the first time they entered, they won..." Dylan turned to Keeva.

Back in high school, we used to take it slow.
Red lipstick on, and high heel stilettos.
Had a job downtown working the servo
Had me waiting in line couldn't even let go

Calum sung at first.

You're just a little bit out of my limit
It's been two years now you haven't even seen the best of me
And in my mind now I've been over this a thousand times
But it's almost over
Let's start over

They all sang, hearing more of Luke on the vocals. He avoided eye contact, with the girls as he looked around the auditorium. Michael did a guitar solo, as Ashton had his part on the drums. Before the outro then stopping. "I like that one..." Keeva admitted. "Didnt even notice you guys without your fringe!" Dylan told them, and Calum laughed into the microphone.

"I was being sarcastic..." Dylan tutted as she spoke quietly to Keeva. Keeva sniggered a little, as she took a pen and started scribbling some stuff down again. Dylan yawned as she took out her phone.

You walked in
Everyone was asking for your name
You just smiled and told them "Trouble"

Luke sang.

My head spins
I'm pressed against the wall
Just watching your every move
You're way too cool
And you're coming this way
Coming this way

How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we're walking back to your place...

Instantly, yet unsure why Keeva shot her head up.

Now we're walking back to your place
You're telling me how you love that song
About living on a prayer
I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there
And when I wake up next to you I wonder how
How did we end up here?

Keeva got a nervous feeling in her body, as she remembered back to the first time Luke took her out.

Call me lucky 'cause in the end
I'm a six and she's a ten
She's so fit, I'm insecure
But she keeps coming back for more

Ashton then sung, and Dylan then looked up before sighing. "Another new one" She then told Keeva making her look at her wide eyed. The guys stopped playing, before looking at each other.

"Singing songs about me?" A voice asked behind the girls, making them all turn around. Michael rolled his eyes, as Luke stared pissed off. "Seriously?" Dylan scoffed, quietly. Adrian came walking down with Bailey beside her. "This is a closed set" Dylan told her. "What is it? a movie?" Adrian then asked, with a cocky attitude.

"Your not allowed in here" Luke then told them. "Last time I checked I could go wherever I wanted. It is school" Adrian smirked at Bailey. "Your not in, or apart of the show." Michael told her. "And...they are?" She asked, looking at the two girls. "Sorry...I mean, is she?" She then made a face as she pointed to Dylan.

Keeva frowned at her words. "Excuse me?" Dylan stood up. "Dyl, leave it" Michael warned her. The atmosphere became awkward and tension floated around the room with all of them. "Is everything okay?" Mrs Stevenson asked, walking out from backstage. "Yeah...everything is fine Miss..." Calum nodded.

"Can I help you girls?" She looked at the two troublemakers who'd just entered the hall. "It's fine. Wasting my time anyway" Adrian nodded, before drawing them all a look and heading back out with the way she came as Bailey followed her.

"Hm...okay, continue" Mrs Stevenson smiled at them all, before walking over to the first row of seats where a lot of decorations and stuff sat. Dylan sighed as she sat back down, beside Keeva. "Fucking Bitch!" She hissed. Keeva closed her eyes, as she shook her head. Opening them again, she stared right into Luke's eyes before she looked away.

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