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I've always admired people in the military. Along with people in the army or navy. They seem so strong all the time. I'm not sure how they do it. I know I sure couldn't. I've always been afraid, afraid of anyone who was confident or out there. I've always been more of a quiet person. I feel helpless most of the time. Then I found the church and God. They saved me. Rescued me from my parents and from fear. Right now though, I'm scared as heck. I have no clue what I'm doing. I'm just trying to survive. That's the ultimate goal in life, right? Just survive and you've succeeded.

The military people were almost as happy to see us as we were to see them. They're trained professionals. Wait, if they are scared that must mean there's something wrong. Or it's just the situations worse than we thought. Turns out my first guess was right. they couldn't sleep so they went on a walk but when they got back to their camp they found out Isis people had spotted their fire and killed everyone at their camp. I'm just now realizing how lucky Jay, Savannah, and I really are. Jays got a bullet hole in his arm that has a chance of getting infected but that's the worst we've had happen. We're all three still alive. I honestly don't know what I would do if Jay or Savannah died and I could only watch. Savannah is my best friend and Jay is my boyfriend. They're the most important people in my life right now. They are the very reason I'm still here. Without them I would've died at the very start of the mission. I soon snap back into reality when I notice everyone has started walking forward again. I run to catch up. They don't seem to have a plan, just walk forward to put distance between us and their old camp. We seem to be in the middle of no where again. There's no make shift road in site. I haven't seen a tree for miles. My legs feel like they are going to fall off if I walk another step. But we keep going. Forward it is, just hope we don't run into Isis people. How are we supposed to tell though? Isis people would shoot at us because their with Isis. Other survivors would shoot at us out of fear. Or at least that's what I think they'd do. They must be mentally insane having this as their everyday life. I've only been here about a week (I've kind of stopped keeping track of the days) and I'm slowly going insane. The lack of food and sleep is killing me. Jays wound is just getting worse. All we have to cover it with is fabric that we rip off our shirts. The fabric obviously isn't clean, considering we only wash it in a river when we find one. Water is scarce around here. We never know when we will get more. We just take everything we can possibly put water into and fill it when we find any water. We only drink water when we need to, same with eating food. We seem to be low on everything. We're constantly on the look out for animals to shoot for food or a water source. It's rare that we find either. I believe that the animals are just as scared as we are. It's hard not to be scared. The military people who are trained to hide their fear are showing fear. We can't help it anymore we are all slowly going insane. If I ever make it back to America I think I'll need to see a therapist. I don't think I could ever cope with this or deal with these memories. Especially if I watch someone die. That would be the worst possible thing, watching someone I know die. Especially if they're killed by Isis people. I can't remember the last time I've slept. It seems like ages ago. Lately I've been up all night watching Jay and Savannah sleep along with the military people. They all look so calm when they sleep. I don't think I'll ever be able to feel calm again. This has been quite the experience and it's not over yet, or even close. I'll either die fighting for what's right here or go back to America being a completely different person than I was when I left. Suddenly I hear a noise. Everyone's asleep and I don't want to startle them so I just grab my gun. Then u realize it's voices. I don't recognize them but something about them tells me it's bad news. I wake the military people.

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