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I miss back home. There were worries but not as many as I have now. Back in America we always thought everything was the end of the world. We made our problems so much bigger than they needed to be. We were all over exaggerating and now looking back all of those worries seem pointless. Now everything is intense and I can't remember the last time I was calm. I can't remember the last time I slept soundly. I can't remember the last time I wasn't holding a gun close. This trip is changing me, and I'm not sure if I like it or not.

The military people wake up quickly and grab for their guns. We can't quite make out how many people are walking towards us but my gut tells me this isn't good. We decide we'll approach them and that way they won't realize Jay and Savannah are also here. That way, if we die then Jay and Savannah can live. Jays arm where he got shot hasn't been looking too good lately, the military people said it looks infected. They also said that his arm being the only injury we've had makes us incredibly lucky. Once we reach the the people who made the sound we can make out that there are four of them. All of them are men and armed with rifles. We're close enough that they could easily shoot and kill us. They don't even raise their guns. Instead they grab us. Their grip is strong. They're Isis men and plan on taking us hostage. They think it will get the other people who are here from America but not in our group do things for them in order to get us back. I hope it doesn't end up that way, if the others have survived until now they should just stay away from the Isis groups and focus on getting home. I glance behind me and notice savannah's head peeking up at us. She sees me and the military people and then yells to us asking where we are going, not until after she yells does she realize that we are being taken away by Isis men. They then start moving toward Savannah, not letting go of us. They then take our backpack and guns along with Savannah and Jay who wakes up right when they grab his arm, they grabbed his bad arm which was shot. It takes Jay a minute to realize what's going on but once he does he doesn't question it, he just walks along with us all and let's them grip his wrist, once they realize he was shot in that arm they grab his other wrist though, at least they have enough decency to grab his good arm and put him in less pain. I feel bad for Jay, he can't move the arm that was shot and the bullet wound is most likely infected so he must be in a lot of constant pain. A sharp turn awakes me from my thoughts, I don't realize we're turning and fall on the ground. I accidentally bring the Isis man who is grabbing me with one arm and Savannah with the other down with me. Savannah takes the opportunity and kicks him where it hurts. Then the military woman kicks the Isis man grabbing her wrist in the back of the knee which makes him fall forward. The two Isis men who haven't fallen grab Savannah and the military woman until the others get back on their feet. I scraped me knee and hurt my ankle when I fell, I think I twisted it but I stand back up and continue walking with the Isis man never letting go of my wrist. The Isis man Savannah kicked is walking a bit bow-legged now, I don't blame him, it must've hurt. I know Savannah is really strong, she may not be a fighter and have come to be a motivational speaker and help lead survivors to Christ like Jay and I but everyone from the church knows she can kick butt when needed. Savannah isn't the type to mess around, she likes to get things done. Soon my thoughts are once again interrupted. We have arrived at the Isis camp where we are shoved in an untidy tent with no blankets or supply's. They then separate the boys from the girls, Jay is now with only military people and I am once again thankful that I have Savannah by my side. I don't know where they took the guys because the girls stayed in the tent they originally shoved us all in. Two of the men stay here all night to guard our tent to make sure we don't try to escape. I try to sleep but can't. Savannah and the military woman both fall asleep quickly. I must've fallen asleep sometime adventually though because I'm awoken by Savannah to find that the military men are back in our tent. Everyone who was with us the night before is here except Jay.

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