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Murdoc heard screaming from a room above his. Usually, he wouldn't get up. It was probably just 2D getting scared by something again, or Russel and Del's little antics. But this sounded distinctly... high-pitched. Feminine, even. And as such, he shook off his drowsiness, grabbed some clothes from the floor, and walked upstairs.

"'Ello?" He shouted down the dark hallway, starting to walk. "What's goin' on?" He heard sobbing and ran down to find its source, which ended up being a small wooden door covered in stickers and posters. Noodle's room.

Murdoc completely ignored the sticker reading 'My Room! Stay Out!' in two languages, opening the door and almost sprinting in. "Noodle?!"

"M-Murdoc!" She climbed out of her bed and ran over, hugging Murdoc with surprising force. "A... akumu!"

"Nightmare?" He wiggled away from Noodle's tight grip and knelt to her height, taking off her helmet and smoothing down her hair. "What about?"

"C-chi... d-deddo... keiteishimai..." She just trailed off after that, hugging Murdoc again and sobbing into his shirt. Murdoc looked at her with pity.

Though things for him hadn't been as bad as having to watch children who were like his siblings die a brutal death, he could relate. The nightmares of his father would far from over. He'd thought that after so long, they'd just go away. But they didn't. And now, someone else was having dreams of a similar caliber. Someone he loved like a daughter. And he just didn't know what to do, except to hug her, sniffling.

"It's okay, Nood. I have those dreams too." He managed a smile as he pulled away. "But you know what makes them go away?"


"Ice cream."

Noodle gasped happily, clapping her hands in excitement. "Yaaaaay!"

"Alright, kiddo, let's go. There's a place down the street that should still be open." Murdoc lifted the young girl onto his shoulders, smiling up at her as he started to walk. If Noodle was going to make new memories with the Gorillaz, Murdoc would make sure they were good ones.

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