Noodle Is Dying

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"Guys, we have a major problem!" 2D shouted from Noodle's room, voice sounding panicked. Murdoc ran down the hall, Russel following closely behind.

"What 'appened? Is Noodle dead? Were they kidnapped? Does anyone know where they are?" Murdoc looked around, concerned.

"No... look." 2D tore back the sheets that covered Noodle's bed to reveal a bright red spot on he mattress. Murdoc and Russel screamed. Del probably screamed too.

"Noodle is dying!" All of them began screaming, having no idea why the blood was there and automatically assuming the worst. Murdoc put his head in his hands. "Our sorta-daughter is dying! We're terrible sorta-fathers!" He paused. "... face-ache, I blame you for this."

2D recoiled. "Me?! What did I do?!"

"You were the one that called us all in 'ere! You 'ave to 'ave seen 'er before then! It's your fault!"

"No! No no no! It's all Russel's fault. Him and Noodle were up all last night playing video games. Something must've happened then!"

"Russel." Murdoc turned to the large man, scowling. "What did you do?"

"Hey, hey!" Russel put his hands up in defense. "I didn't do anything!"

"Wait..." 2D pondered, sitting on the floor. "So, if I didn't do it... and Russel didn't do it, meaning Del couldn't have either... that leaves one person... Murdoc! This is your fault!"


"Yeah, you! Don't play dumb with us! You were trying to blame us this whole time to make it seem like you weren't guilty! And if anyone here would be violent, it would be you!"

"I-I..." Murdoc paused mid-sentence as Noodle walked in, smiling. He then ran over and hugged her tightly. "Noodle! Oh, thank Satan..."

"I am here!" She smiled wider, hugging back.

"Wait, this makes no sense. Why's the blood there, then?" 2D walked over and joined the hug nonetheless.

"I think that's supposed to happen." Noodle shrugged.

"... oh... ooooooohhhhhh... gotcha. Russel, store, now. Ice cream and... y'know, the other things."

"The things? What thi-"


"... ohhhhh. On it." Russel walked out, and Murdoc and 2D stayed in the hug, happy Noodle was okay.

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