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<< Set after the foreclosure of 212 Wobble Street, and the band went their separate ways once more. Probably- no, definitely- not canon with the interval between 3/4 and Phase 4 itself. >>

2D walked down an alleyway in Essex, his Converse scraping against the ground. He still wore the shoes they'd gotten as part of that Converse deal. His pair were green, designed like the band's Geep. The edges were scuffed, the laces dirty. But they were his. And, they were one of the only things he had left from the band.

He pulled a frayed picture out of his back pocket. It was one of the first that the band ever took together, and it was simple enough. They all sat in the Geep, crowded together while Murdoc held out the camera to take the picture. Noodle was giving 2D bunny ears, which he couldn't help but giggle at. He sighed at the thought of where she could be now. Last he'd seen her she... wasn't doing the best.

He was quickly jarred out of his thoughts when he tripped, hitting the ground face-first. He wasn't good at balancing at all, thanks to his lankiness and slightly compromised sight, but it was worse when he tripped like that. He looked back only a bit, seeing an outstretched leg. "'Ey, watch where you're-"

His eyes fixated on the face of the person to which the leg belonged. Stubble lined his chin, his skin was almost green in its hue. His hair was messy, a rat's nest, and his bangs almost fell over his eyes. Everything about this man was a mess. He sported a scowl, and was holding a cardboard sign that said "Anything Helps", with a single shoe held out to collect from any passersby. Whatever design was on it was now faded, and only a few pennies sat on the sole. Everything about him looked pathetic, and... strangely familiar. On a whim, he attached a name to this haggard figure, hoping it was right but... also hoping it wasn't.

"M... M-Murdoc?"

The man looked away, nodding.

"Murdoc, I... what happened to you?" When he got no response, he scowled, crawling closer and sitting near the man. "Murdoc?"

The former bassist pointed to his throat, where a scar ran across, coming down to his chest.

"... oh... who--?" Murdoc held up his index and pinkie finger on his hand. "... figures."

He sat next to the man, leaning his head on his shoulder. It was bony and cold, how long had Murdoc been out here? He looked at the shoe with the change; the faint, fading design was of Murdoc in his better days, tongue out, sporting a mischievous smirk. Stuart sighed, interlacing his own fingers with the ones on Murdoc's thin hand.

"... have you seen any of the others?"

Murdoc paused, frowning, and gave a feeble nod and held up one finger.

"Who? Where?"

Murdoc pulled a bent and frayed business card from his pocket, and handed it over, looking away. Stuart looked it over. Showgirls, and ones 2D was certain weren't only doing shows... he flipped it over. Written in pen was the phone number, and the words "Ask for Noodle".

"M-Murdoc... n-no... not here, you couldn't have..."

Murdoc nodded again, eyes getting misty.

"You didn't... d-did you?"

Murdoc flashed a disgusted look and frantically shook his head 'no'.

"... and... n-no news on Russel?"

Murdoc shook his head again. 2D turned his head into the man's shoulder, trying to hide his tears.

"Oh, Murdoc..." He examined the picture that was in his pocket. "... what happened to us?"

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