Cat Person

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"Hey, 2D! Come out here for a second!"

2D grumbled, getting up out of bed and actually putting on a shirt and pants as he walked down the stairs and towards the sound of Murdoc's voice. "What is it, Mur-" He stopped in his tracks when he saw what Murdoc had in his hands. It was a small greyish-black kitten, with a chunk missing out of his ear and one light-green eye.

"I 'ave named 'im Lucifer. He is ours now."

2D inhaled slowly, exhaling sharply as he said "We are not naming our fifth cat Lucifer."

Murdoc was in shock. "Well why not?! I've already named the first four Satan, Demon, Beelzebub, and Donald Trump, Lucifer is the only demon name left!"

"Have you ever considered... not naming our cats after demons?" 2D sighed in defeat when Murdoc hissed- literally- at his statement. "And you can't just keep taking in stray cats!"

"I can and I will, Stuart!"

"For the love of- we can't take care of them all! Just look at this place!" 2D made a sweeping hand motion to the living room. One cat was curled up on top of Noodle's head as she slept on the couch. Another was gnawing at the band's VMA award. Yet another was chasing a mouse around the room. The last was holding a human ear in its mouth.

"... I don't see a problem. And Noodle doesn't seem to have an issue with it."

"Well, I'm not her."

"WELL, NEITHER IS SHE!" Murdoc growled, shaking his head. "We're keeping the cat."

"..." 2D huffed. He wasn't gonna win this argument. "Fine."

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