The First Meeting {2Doc/StuDoc}

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Murdoc shivered as cold rain ran down the back of his shirt. He curled up on the park bench, putting his head on his knees in silent defeat. The ten year old boy had been kicked out of his house by his father... again. He wouldn't care too much, except that it was the middle of February, and raining besides. He pulled his thin jacket around him more to try to stay warm, but to no avail. He was utterly miserable, and had weather to match his mood.

He heard the sound of footsteps approaching him, the puddles they disturbed splashing their water on the pavement. It was probably the police. Great, just wonderful. What excuse was he going to give them this time? Before he could even think of it, whoever it was walked up, just as streetlights began flickering on. This... certainly wasn't the police.

"'Ello!" Standing in front of Murdoc was a boy with short, blue hair, wrapped in a blanket. His front teeth were missing, and his wide smile was just the slightest bit crooked. Rain dripped from his face, but he didn't seem bothered by it as he sat down on the wet bench.

"Um... hello...? Why are you out here? Shouldn't you be at home?" Murdoc had gotten used to his life well enough, but he at least knew that most children had a warm home, with a mother and a father and food on the table and a bed they always knew would be there.

"I dunno. I just like sleepin' out 'ere sometimes!"

Murdoc rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Lucky. At least you get a choice." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small cardboard box full of cigarettes, using his hand to shield it from the rain as he took one out and lit it. The other boy looked at him with curiosity.

"... what's t'at?"

Murdoc sighed, rolling his eyes. This kid next to him was either incredibly sheltered or incredibly stupid. "It's a cigarette. You haven't seen one before?"

"I've seen one, but never with another kid... can I 'ave one?"

"For the love of Satan..." The young kid grumbled, pulling out another one and lighting it, shoving it towards the other.

"Thank you!"


2D put the cigarette in his mouth, breathing in deeply, then starting to cough. Murdoc laughed a little as 2D grumbled and threw the cigarette to the ground. "How can you smoke them things?"

"I dunno. It just makes you feel better, when you do it right." Murdoc noticed the warm blanket the boy was wrapped in and grabbed an end. "Gimme that." He pulled it around himself, and quickly stopped shivering.

"My mum made me this blanket." The boy snuggled into the warm blue wool.

"... lucky."

"... you don't have a mum?"

"My mother left a long time ago..."

"... I'm sorry..." Murdoc felt an unfamiliar sensation; the boy had his arms wrapped around him in a hug. "... you could share mine, if you want! She's very nice."

Murdoc chuckled, embracing the boy in return. "Thank you... um..." He blushed a little. "I-I'm Murdoc... what's your name?"

"Stuart! Stuart Pot!"

"I like it... you should probably go home now... you shouldn't sleep in the rain."

"Then why are you doing it?"

Murdoc frowned. "My father made me."

"... well, he's not very nice." Stuart laid down on the bench. "I'll keep you warm with my blanket. I'll show him!"

Murdoc reluctantly laid next to him and looked up at the stars, rain splattering their faces and the blanket around them. "We'll show him, alright."

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