All the Wrong Reasons - Part 4

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Shane and Noah watched Evelyn scuffle towards the door. Neither of them saying a word, but both thinking of the very same thing.

‘Man did you see Jamie tonight? I would!’ Shane sniggered, whilst patting Noah on the back. Noah glanced at Shane, un-amused, his jaw clenched in irritation at the behaviour of his friend. Before Noah could retaliate, the third member of the Musketeers rejoined the group.

‘Brandon, how did it go? Did you cop a feel?’ asked Shane, smirking at the tense posture of Noah’s.

‘You, my good friend, are disgusting. Unlike you, I don’t need my girls to be pissed of their heads in order for me to cop a feel.’ Chuckled Brandon while shaking his head and heading off in the direction of the kitchen.

‘Well that’s more than what Noah’s getting! How long have you liked her for now, Noah? Four months? Five? Does she even know your name yet?’ mocked Shane who then proceeded to throw his head back and let out several throaty roars of laughter.

‘Piss off,’ hissed Noah in frustration. Noah wasn’t used to chasing girls, generally Noah could have any girl eating out of the palm of his hand in a heartbeat. But Jamie had not looked his way once.

‘Face it man, she’s out of your league,’ smirked Brandon who had returned with three bottles of beer. Eager to get change the topic of the discussion, Noah inquired about the drinks.

‘I didn’t think there was anything left.’ Stated Noah, tipping up his bottle as a sign of thanks.

‘I just saw a guy go ape shit on Evelyn’s ass because she stumbled into him and he dropped his drink.’ Brandon lifted his eyebrows in surprise; nevertheless he proceeded to tell the others about his part trick.

‘The trick is to store the alcohol near something no one else would look twice at, that way no one helps themselves to it,’ Brandon stated proudly.

‘Yeah?  And what did you hide them with?’ inquired Shane rather sceptically.

‘A couple of boxes of tampons that I found in the bathroom.’ It was at this statement that Shane and Noah both spluttered and spat out some of the beer they had about to consume.

‘You put tampons in the fridge and no one thought that was odd? Mate, no wait, in fact where did you even get tampons from?’ Shane asked in disbelief.  Feeling rather embarrassed Brandon was quick to divert the conversation away from him self.

‘So what did Evelyn do then? She seems like the type ready to defend herself. I didn’t hear of any fights,’ rushed out Brandon starting intently at the stain on the left thigh of his jeans.

‘It was weird,’ Noah started. ‘She kind of fumbled around and kept apologising when it wasn’t entirely her fault. I felt sorry for her you know, he started calling her a cow in front of everyone. I’d have punched him but she gave the guy money as an apology.’

‘Did you not swoop in and save the day? It could’ve earnt you brownie points with the hot friend you’re crushing on!’ exclaimed Shane.

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