Part Eight

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Sorry it's a bit short! I'm working on the next couple of chapters right now, so hopefully the updates will be on a more regular time scale! Enjoy, and please tell me what you think/any improvements and vote if you like it!


Noah closed the front door and looked at the living room. Whilst they had managed to put everything back it seemed messy. Noah sighed. He had fun, he had completely forgotten about Jamie and the plan. Evelyn was fun and managed to teach him history. Picking up Evelyn’s notebook, Noah flicked through it again. He was amazed at the detail to shape and colour – each picture or storyboard was accompanied with a few bullet points of writing, making it the best notes to be presented this side of the galaxy. Easily. 

‘What’s that?’ Asked Shane, emerging from the kitchen.

‘Evelyn’s notes – I wasn’t joking when I said I needed a tutor, and I think I just got the best there is.’ Noah continued by showing Shane the notebook and explaining what the game they had played. Much to his surprise, Shane did not look half as impressed as Noah felt.

‘That’s all great, and I’m glad you wont be failing but did you learn anything about Jamie? Did you manage to get yourself invited to theirs? Any chance for you and Jamie to chat?’ Noah shook his head, it sounded like Shane thought he was absolutely desperate – that or Noah was more annoying about his infatuation with Jamie than he let on.

‘Nah, but it’s the early stages you know,’ retorted Noah, who felt that Shane’s comment was a jibe at his male pride. Noah was great with the ladies, he wasn’t losing his touch – he just wanted the relationship with Jamie to a) happen and to b) last a long time. From what he had heard Jamie was great fun, had a smoking body, had money rolling in and was a great lay. Noah could see a great future with her. He was broken out of his thoughts by Shanes exasperated sigh.

‘Mate, do you think a stunner like her is going to be on the market for long? At the rate you’re going she’ll be married with three kids before she even knows your name!’ Noah refrained from reminding Shane that she did indeed know his name as Brandon had introduced them to each other.

‘I can’t believe it’s taking you this long!’ continued Shane, ‘what happened to you’re a game? You my friend need some of the Shane magic.’ Noah looked over at Shane sceptically, the ‘Shane Magic’ was only good if you wanted a lay with a half drunk girl who wants nothing to do with you ever again.

‘Thanks, but no thanks man – I’ve never needed any help getting girls and, no offence, but I don’t think I need any help now. I know what I’m doing.’ Noah was proud of his statement, he had kept his cool and had managed to regain some of that lost pride. However, Shane was not biting.

‘Really? And how do you have it under control? Because if I’m not mistake, that girl all but hightailed it out of here.’ Shane smirked.

‘It’s just because you guys all came in. We were doing fine before that. In fact I’m going over to her house tomorrow.’ Noah hoped that this would be the end of the conversation – he didn’t want to be caught out lying, unfortunately life is never that simple.

‘Really? And what will you be doing? More studying? That’s hardly going to make Jamie fall at your feet will it?’ sniggered Shane, obviously laughing at Noah’s poor attempt of ‘getting the girl’ so far.

‘Not that its any of your business actually, but I’m going over to help move furniture and paint their house.’ Technically Evelyn had only said paint, but Noah could assume that the furniture needing moving too – which would help his cause as it would present him as a strong man, making Jamie want to jump his bones (at least that’s what he could hope for). This seemed to be enough to satisfy Shane who grinned and smacked down on Noah’s shoulder.

‘I get you man – you sly devil. You’re going to move a bit of furniture, paint a bit and use that as an excuse to take off your shirt and seduce her. I like how you role. But if you’re seducing Jamie, what are you going to do about the weird one? The one you were jumping around on the sofa with?’ Noah’s eyebrows furrowed in disgust as his jaw simultaneously clenched as well. It was people like Shane who were the reasons why Evelyn did not like sharing her work or telling others of her learning technique. And Brandon had introduced them yesterday – surely he couldn’t forget her name already. Noah did not like Shane’s attitude at all – just because she wasn’t as hot as Jamie, it did not mean she was any less of a person. A valuable lesson which Noah himself had learnt today. So he spoke with a sense of finality.

‘Her name is Evelyn and she’s not weird. She’s actually really nice, and she’ll be coming round more often for tutoring, regardless of Jamie so I’d appreciate it if you were nicer to her.’ Shane, as per, was oblivious to the harsh edge in Noah’s voice and just grinned all the wider.

‘I see what you’re doing! You’re going to play hard to get so she comes running to you once she see’s you with Evelyn. Fucking hell man, look at you getting laid twice – I take it back, you haven’t lost your touch.’ Shane walked away. Whilst Noah wanted to call him back and defend Evelyn and clarify that she was a good person who he was just friends with, a larger part of him shushed him to stay quiet. He had just got back the respect he had lost for moping over Jamie – he wasn’t about to sacrifice it just to clear up one or two things.

Noah took the stairs in twos to reach his room. Once there he pulled out his phone to call Brandon. If he was going to ‘surprise’ Evelyn tomorrow, he at least needed her address. Brandon was friends with that Hannah girl who was friends with both Jamie and Evelyn. Surely he’d be able to get it. Brandon was good at socialising with people, he would definitely be able to get the address.

After a quick call and reassuring a suspicious Brandon that it was indeed a surprise Noah grabbed his gym bag. He could easily pretend that he needed to take his shirt off tomorrow. He needed to make sure that his body looked great and a last minute gym session would definitely do that.

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