You're Not Alone

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Maddie's POV:

I was sitting in the library writing my essay for Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Quirrell has been bringing things down on us hard, and being teased by Sirius Black in Charms class doesn't help anything. He and his friends make fun of me because I'm the only American here at Hogwarts, but it's not my fault. My parents moved here when I was nine years old and they died in a fire when I turned ten. At that moment I was put in an orphanage where I received a Hogwarts letter; I think the lady over the orphanage talked Dumbledore into letting me come here. I would do strange things that I couldn't explain, and she kept defending me. I finished writing and let the ink dry before I tucked them in my textbook. "Excues me, could I sit here with you? No one else will let me sit with them." A deep voice asked me curiously. I looked up and saw a rather tall and thin boy standing in front of me. He was wearing Slytherin robes and he had shoulder length jet black hair. The one thing that stuck out the most about him was his large nose and onyx eyes. "Sure." I replied shyly. I've always sucked at talking to people, and that's partially the reason why I have no friends. I realized that I had seen this guy before in the common room, but I had never gotten to actually meet him until now. That's the curse of being antisocial, but sometimes it has it's advantages. "What's your name?" He asked me curiously. "Oh, my name's Maddie. What's yours?" I asked curiously. I could feel the anxiety rising in from my stomach and into my throat. "Severus." He replied without looking up from the black book he was reading. "Nice to meet you, officially." I said with a slight smile. I took out a book I had started reading about poisons and the antidotes for them. Potions was my favorite class, and maybe it's because it's one class I feel like I fit in. "Have you started Quirrell's assignment yet?" Severus asked after a good long while of silence. "Yeah, I just finished it before you came actually." I said. "I started it, but I haven't finished it." He replied. "Look what we've got here. Two misfit snakes." I heard the all too familiar voice of Sirius Black. "Leave us alone Sirius. You know what I told you last time you picked on me." I said with anger and malice in my voice. "Oh please sweet thing. We both know you wouldn't hurt me." Sirius said with a smirk. "Wanna bet?" I asked curiously. Sirius's best friend James Potter came around the corner with an amused smirk on his face. James quickly put a spell on Severus to make him float in the air upside down. "Liberacorpus." I said to undo the spell they had on Severus. "It looks like we have a skilled witch on are hands here James." Sirius said with a wicked grin on his face. Severus and I looked at each other, having a mental conversation basically. "Expelliarmus!" We both said and disarmed both James and Sirius, which caught them off guard. They started to attack us again once they retrieved their wands again, but I was too quick for them. "Duro!" I said, and they both turned to stone. "How do you know all these spells?" Severus asked me curiously with wide eyes. "I read a lot. It's what I do." I replied, which made a small smile spread across his lips. A girl with long red hair came into view and her mouth dropped open at the stone James and Sirius. "Severus, how could you?" She asked with the look of betrayal in her emerald green eyes. "They were bullying us." Severus defended himself with visible pain in his dark eyes. "I'm the one who turned them to stone. Severus had nothing to with it." I said defending the hurt boy beside me. "Turn them back to normal. Now." She demanded. "Why do you care for them so much? They bully the weak and the damaged." I said wondering what she saw in these two stone statues. "Because they're worth more than any Slytherin could offer." She said quite coldly, and I could tell it only broke Severus more. "And people wonder why Slytherins hate Gryffindors so much." I said with a sigh. I turned James and Sirius back to themselves, which made them fall on their ass when I did so. "Come on, let's go." I said to Severus as we gathered are belongings. We walked silently back to the common room and sat in front of a green flamed fireplace. "Are you okay? I saw how hurt you were when you saw her." I asked Severus softly. "I'm fine." He said glancing at me slightly. I knew he wasn't, but I decided not to push him into telling me. I went back to reading, and he finished up his work for D.A.D.A class. "Her name is Lily Evans." Severus said out of the blue. "What?" I asked curiously. "That girl in the library...her name is Lily." He replied with heart break in his voice. "What happened?" I asked curiously. I figured they were once friends due to the way they looked at each other. "I called her a mudblood in a moment of anger, but I didn't mean it. She never really talked to me since, until today." He replied with hunched shoulders. "You love her....don't you?" Asked in a whisper. "Please don't tell anyone..especially her." He replied looking at me this time. "I won't, I promise Severus." I said. "Severus, who's this?" I heard someone ask. I turned to see an older looking guy say. He was tall and thin with long blond hair. "This is Maddie. Maddie, this is Lucius Malfoy." Severus said, introducing us. "How do you do?" Lucius asked me as he extended out his hand. "I'm good, thanks." I said feeling awkward as I shook his hand. I realized I felt way more comfortable with Severus than Lucius. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you formally. Anyway, I have to have a word with professor Slughorn. You two have a lovely evening." He said with a sickly sweet smile. "You too Lucius." Severus said. "See you both at dinner." The blond haired man said before he left the common room. "A friend of yours?" I asked Severus curiously. "Yes.....what?" He said. "I don't know what you mean." I replied innocently. "You made that face. You don't care for him, do you?" He said. "Not particularly, no. But, he's your friend and I respect that." I said. "Thanks." He said with a grateful expression. "Are you excited for Christmas?" I asked him after I had gotten slightly bored with my book. "No, I hate Christmas. What about you?" He asked closing his book as well. "It's okay I guess, but it's not my favorite holiday. I prefer Halloween." I said. "As do I." He said with an amused smirk. "Are you going home for break?" He asked. "No. I'd rather stay here, besides...I don't really have a home." I said. We sat there for a good long while before he spoke up again. "I'm staying as well. Maybe you an I could do something fun around here or in Hogsmeade." He said with a hopeful look on his pale face. "Sure, I'd like that." I replied with a smile. We then got up and started heading to the great hall once we realized what time it was. When we walked into the hall I followed Severus's eyes and they landed on the red headed girl and her friends. I couldn't help but hurt inside for him. He obviously truly loved Lily, but she loved that prat James Potter. I gently patted his shoulder as we took are seats at the Slytherin table. He gave me a weak smile; an action I knew wasn't natural for him. I also noticed that he would flinch a little every time I would touch him. I figured his parents we're really affectionate towards him, which made me sad. I started thinking about my parents and the day I was told I would never see them again. It tore down my entire world, and things got worse once I entered the orphanage. Now I had a feeling my life was going to change for the better now that I knew Severus Snape. "Word is spreading like wildfire through the houses. Is it true you and Maddie turned Potter and Black into stone?" Lucius asked us with twinkling eyes. A person with twinkling eyes should be amusing, but on him it just seemed dangerous and menacing. He looked as if he enjoyed people's pain. "Maddie is the one who turned them to stone. I'm glad too, she saved me from a severe beating." Severus said. "I'm beginning to see great potential in you Maddie. Perhaps you could teach Sverus here some tricks over the break to make him stronger." Lucius said with a pleased grin on his face. "I wouldn't mind, but I'm not the best. He should seek help from Dumbledore." I said. "No! That old fool is all for Gryffindors; I'm surprised Black and Potter hadn't tried getting the both of you in trouble for what you did. No, you need to be the one to train Severus." Lucius said. "Um...okay then." I said awkwardly before I began eating. I was starving because I hadn't eaten breakfast that morning in attempt to avoid Sirius and James. After dinner was over we all headed back to the common room. I had to sit through a relatively painful conversation with Lucius Malfoy about 'training' Severus. I honestly didn't think he needed any training; I think he was just afraid to fight James and Sirius because they were Lily's friends. Well...Lily was actually dating James, which hurt Severus even more. Finally Lucius left and I could actually relax. "You don't think I need training do you?" Severus asked me curiously after a while of silence. "No, I don't. Do you?" I said. "I'm actually grateful that you think that. I don't need training, but Lucius thinks I do. I think it's because he doesn't want me to let James bully me, but...I don't want to hurt Lily." He said with sadness in his onyx eyes. "I figured that was the reason you didn't fight back. I understand." I said sympathetically. "You do?" He asked with a surprised look on his face. "Absolutely." I said with a slight laugh. He smiled slightly, which made me smile. I realized I was getting attached to this guy, but it felt natural. Perhaps we were meant to meet each other this year. "Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight Severus." I said as I got up off of the couch. "Goodnight Maddie." He said kindly. I glanced back at him before I walked up to my room and saw a single tear fall down his cheek. I wanted to go back and comfort him, but I had a feeling he wanted to be left alone. I made my way up to my room and fed my dark gray colored owl, appropriately named Ash. She had deep amber eyes that seemed to glow orange. I then took a bath before I got ready for bed. I still couldn't shake the feeling that Lucius Malfoy was a rotten apple.

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