The Unforgivable Curse

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A/N: I'm going to make a Severus Snape POV in this chapter, I hope you all enjoy it. Sorry for the long wait by the way. Remember to vote, comment, etc. :)

Maddie's POV:

I was sitting in my room when the blood replenishing potion jumped into my mind. 'I wonder if Slughorn cleaned all of Severus's things out of the potions store here at Hogwarts' I thought to myself. I walked out into the hall and passed a few students on my way towards the dungeons. "Excuse me, professor Rivers." Heard a familiar voice say from behind me. "Yes Hermione, what is it?" I asked her as I turned around. "Why did Slughorn take Snape's position as potions master? I've asked Harry, but he doesn't know either." She said in a curious tone. "Because Dumbledore wanted him to. I know that's a very vague response, but that's all I know to be honest." I said. "It's alright, oh. Here, I managed to get this before the end of last year." She said as she handed me a dark red potion. "Thanks, I was just going to see if Slughorn had any." I said as I took the vial and placed it safely in my pocket. "Now you don't have to." She said. "What do you want to know?" I asked with a sigh. "I don't know what you're talking about." She said innocently. "Hermione, don't play dumb with me." I said. "Fine, we have some questions for you. Meet us at Hagrid's after dinner tomorrow tonight." She said. "Suppose I refuse, after all you're just a student." I said. "Because it's about You Know Who." She said. "Very well, but I have to slip away from Snape." I said. "I've noticed how much he has been following you around like a lost puppy. I think it's kinda cute and kinda....disturbing." She said, which made me laugh. "I don't mind it actually. He's a great boyfriend; you'd be surprised at how gentle he is." I said. "Okay, okay, too much information." She said turning red. "See you later Hermione, have fun in your classes." I said with an amused laugh. "Have a nice day professor." She said before she took off. I decided to go see Severus, because my talk with Hermione made me realize I haven't seen him today. I walked through the door and I was greeted to an empty classroom. 'He's probably in his office.' I thought to myself. I walked up the stone steps leading towards his office, and knocked on the door. "Enter." I heard Severus's deep velvet voice say. I opened the door and saw him writing away at his desk. "Bad day?" I asked curiously when I saw the glare in his eyes. "You have no idea." He said as he ran his hands down his face. "Come here, I know what you need to relax." I said taking his hand. He gathered his things and we both went to his private chambers. "Maddie, what are we doing here? I have a bunch of work to get finished." He said in a snappy tone. "You are going to relax before you blow a blood vessel. Look at the veins sticking out on your forehead." I said. "What did you have in mind?" He asked with a slight chuckle. "Follow me." I said as I opened his bedroom door. He raised an eyebrow at me, but walked in and I shut the door behind us. "What are you doing?!" He said with wide eyes when I started unbuttoning his shirt. "Calm down, I'm just going to give you a massage." I said with a giggle. "Okay." He said letting out a nervous breath. When he was standing in nothing but his pants my eyes grew wide. I was shocked how muscular his body was and pained at the scars on his body; not to mention the dark mark on his arm. "Severus." I said as I gently ran my finger over a deep scar sitting on his shoulder. "It's okay Maddie, they don't hurt anymore." He said softly as he lifted my chin to look in my eyes. "Where did you get all of these scars?" I asked him curiously. "Some from my childhood, but most of them was from being a death eater." He said. "You poor soul." I whispered. "Every single one of them, physical and mental, were worth it, because without them....I might not have had the pleasure of meeting you." He said before he gently kissed my lips. Every kiss we shared made me fall deeper and deeper in love with him. "Come here." I said softly as I pulled him to the bed. He laid on his stomach and I gently rubbed his back while applying slight pressure. "Maddie, where did you learn how to massage like this?" He said with a relaxed sigh. "I didn't learn anywhere how to do this, actually." I said with an amused laugh. A long while passed in silence, but it was a very comfortable silence. "So, how have you classes been going?" I asked him curiously. "Same as always, just a different subject. Although, I think some of the first year students are more afraid of me than any other year." He said with an amused chuckle. "Well, you are intimidating." I said. "You didn't find me intimidating when we met." He said he turned, so his torso was showing. I blushed furiously at the sight, and hoped he hadn't noticed...too much. "No, but you and I were just a couple of loner teens at the time. I saw a broken boy behind those dark eyes of yours all those years ago, and I'm certain you saw a broken girl behind my eyes." I said. "I did, and I wanted to make you feel better. I didn't want you ending up with the same pain I was going through, but you ended up saving me first." He said as he pulled me into him; hugging me closely. I could hear the sound of his heart beating in his chest. "You saved me and I saved you." I said. "I love you so much Maddie. You're so sweet, caring, and loving; I don't deserve you." He whispered. "Don't you ever say that Severus! You deserve me more than you can imagine." I said flicking his nose lightly. "And you deserve me more than you can imagine too." He said before he kissed my nose. I blushed and kissed his nose in return. After a long while we went to dinner and talked some with Slughorn, who expressed how proud he was of the both of us. For some reason I kept glancing towards Draco throughout the entire time, which was odd. I usually keep my eye on Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny. He was acting different, I noticed it when I passed him the hall earlier today; he seemed...distant. After we ate I headed to Severus's private chambers and drank some tea with him. It felt so nice being with him like this. "I should get to my rooms." I said as I stood up and stretched. "Do you have to?" He asked with disappointment in his eyes. "Yes, I have some stuff to do for tomorrow morning." I said with a sigh. "Can't you stay? I mean...we are boyfriend and girlfriend." He said as he pulled me close to him. "I know, but remember what Dumbledore said. He doesn't want us...doing things on school grounds." I said blushing slightly. "Fine, I suppose you're right." He said with slight smirk on his face. "Goodnight Severus." I said softly. "Goodnight Maddie, sweet dreams." He whispered after he kissed my lips. We have each other hugs before I went to my rooms and took out some paper and a quill. I had to ask Arthur Weasley some questions, mostly about the Ministry of Magic. I wanted to know how easily death eaters could get a position in the Ministry. I had a deep fear that Voldemort was going to take over the Ministry before he starts his war, just so he could have the upper hand. After I wrote the letter and put it in an envelope for mailing tomorrow I got ready for bed.

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