Teen Gohan x Reader!

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Dagger: (im a GIRL just in case you didnt know) GOHAN!
Gohan: *walks in* yea?
Dagger: you have been requested in a one-shot!
Gohan: ........ *blushes* n-
Dagger: too bad! *ties him down*

(After the Cell games)

You and your brother-like friend, (Future) Trunks were walking out of the movies.

"I don't like scary movies that much..." You mumble and cross your arms. Well, you liked them, it's just after the movies. Where you felt like you were being watched and all.

"Being a scared little girl?" Trunks teased you, nudging your arm. You pulled your arm away, pouting.

"No, but don't call me a "little girl"." You pout and cross your arms. Trunks laughed a little at your change of attitude.
The both of you walked back to the Capsule Corp. Though you could've flew to get there faster, you'd prefer the human way.

"Did you ask your boyfriend out?" Trunks pressed on, nudging you once more. Much to your annoyance. You knew who he was talking about and he always called your crush your "boyfriend".

Rolling your eyes, you stopped at the red light at the street corner. "No."

"Then go for it."

"Why would someone as strong as him like someone like me?"

Trunks gave you a look. "You got nothing to be insecure about. The way he looks at you, it's something more than some high school crush."

You stood silent for a couple seconds. Not knowing what to say or do besides wait for the crosswalk to clear of traffic. Impatient, you were about to just jump over the cars to the other side before a harmless sounding voice spoke up.


You and Trunks both turn heads to see Gohan, walking towards you. Trunks elbowed you lightly, knowing your crush on Gohan. But Gohan was dressed up in a suit, looking both embarassed and... something else.

"Hi, G- Gohan." You stuttered a little and wave at him.

"Hi, (Y/N)." Gohan said, smiling a little bit.

"What's with the get-up, Gohan?" Trunks grinned, looking at him.

"I was going to ask a girl on a date, but it seems like she's intrested in someone else." Gohan said, looking away. You felt your heart sink, thinking about some girl he liked.

"Who's the girl?" Trunks asked, looking down at the slightly sad Gohan. Then back to you a bit sad for you. The both of you thinking it was a person other than you.
Something inside deflated like a balloon at the thought of a girl rejecting him. If you were that girl, you defiantly wouldn't say no to him.

"It doesn't matter anymore..." Gohan sighed and turned away to start walking.

"OK." Trunks called and looked to you. Except you were also feeling sad. "Well, Gohan likes another, but don't worry, there's other people out there."

"Yeah, but... I guess. Or I think I'll..." You didn't bother finishing the sentence. What was to finish? You had a crushes before but there was something special about Gohan. He made you feel, different. Like if he told you were beautiful, then you would truly believe it. "Ok, let's go."

"You guys spend too much time together!" Gohan yelled, suddenly appeaing out of the blue in front of you and Trunks.
His sudden appearance surprising the saddness out of you.

"What are you talki-?" You started but got cut off.

"It's too late for me... I should've made a move when I had the chance." Gohan said more to himself than you or Trunks. He didn't meet your eye, his face drooped, then Gohan turned away.

"Wait, Gohan, what do you mean?" Trunks asked, placing a hand on Gohan's shoulder.

"I mean, is that (Y/N) is with you, Trunks." Gohan replied and shrugged off his hand. "And she is not with me..."

"You like me?" You beamed, suddenly bright. He glanced at you.

"Yes." He said and stopped in his tracks.

"Gohan, I'm not with (Y/N)." Trunks laughed. "And she's not with me."

Gohan seemed embarassed. "Oh.. ok... well, " Gohan blushed then turned to you. "(Y/N) would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Sure!" You say and Gohan kissed you.

"I should leave." Trunks coughed with a smile.

Dagger: *smiles* so adorable!
Gohan: *blushing* wow... can you let me go?
Dagger: *unties him* sure! Now! Lets continue!

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