Future Trunks x Reader (LEMON)

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(A/N) ●●●TO BE EDITED●●●

Me: oh! Trunks is in a lemon!
Trunks: uh... *blushes* why?
Me: CUZ some girls want your d- uhhh
You: *death glares at me*

You and Trunks were training in the Gravity Chamber. It has been a month since you two have gotten together.
You took a break and watched him train. He just had shorts on. Leaving him topless. Sweat all over his body. Blue eyes focused. His lavender hair-

"Enjoying the view?" Trunks grinned, stopping his training, snapping you out of your staring.

"Um... yes...?" You blushed.

He laughed a little before walking to the gravity controls and changed the gravity. Which made you fall down onto your stomach.

"T- Trunks. The gravity is too strong. I can't-"

"That's the whole point." He smirked and easily walked towards you. He crouched down and looked you.
A look of hunger in his eyes.

"But I will not force you to do it." He said, looking away.

"I want to." The words slipped out of your mouth but you didn't care.
Trunks smiled and turned you over on your back. The gravity still weighing you down.

He got on top of you and placed his lips on yours, while his strong hands went under your shirt. His sweaty chest pressed against yours.
His tounge demanded entrance to your mouth, when you playfully denied, he groped your breast, making you moan. That's when he slipped his tounge to explore your mouth.

You managed to reach up and tangle your hands in his hair. He pulled back to look at you.

"Hm... you are strong enough to move now. Maybe I should adjust the gravity more..." He smirked.

"Not fair..." You pouted.

A while later, you both were naked. He had your legs around him. His large member at your wet entrance.

"Trunks. I never-"

"I never done it either." He said before he kissed you.

With that, he thrusted into you. You cried out in pain. The pain subsided and you nodded for him to start.

Once he started thrusting, the air was filled with moans and pants. Grunting with each thrust, he stared into your eyes.
He hit a spot inside you, making you louder. He hit it just right, again and again and again.
You arched against him as you both started calling out each others names.

"Trunks!" You cry out as you release around him.
Your name came from his lips.

"Whoa, they're wrestling!" Came inncocent Goten's voice from the door of the gravity chamber. He looked at you both, not knowing what was really going.

"Uhh..." Was all that came from you and Trunks.

Me: did you like it?
Trunks: except the part where Goten came in but yes-
Vegeta: *comes in and grabs Trunks's ear and drags him out* WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO TALK MISTER!!!
Trunks: DAAAD!!!
Goten: (Y/N) and Trunks were wrestling *looks at me and you*
Me and You: uhh...

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